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Wrong name?

Pieta Stumpy

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PietAss suffers from a spelling impairment


Where? My spelling is impeccable. Also, did your mom never teach you it is rude to pick on people?

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Thats disgusting!!!

I dont think i will be able to eat dinner tonight after seeing that.


Edit: Question is though... what were you searching for that you come across that?


A mate sent it to me. I got it while sitting in a board meeting... I shouldn't have opened the link.... I had to excuse myself to go laugh my ass off outside!

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A mate sent it to me. I got it while sitting in a board meeting... I shouldn't have opened the link.... I had to excuse myself to go laugh my ass off outside!

Damn friends hey, always doing stupid things that you wouldn't be caught dead doing. ;)

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Where? My spelling is impeccable. Also, did your mom never teach you it is rude to pick on people?

PietAss, she taught me many things many years ago. My relationship with my parents is at the stage where I am teaching them now. Luckily not reteaching stuff!


You found your Assrinm112 yet?

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PietAss, she taught me many things many years ago. My relationship with my parents is at the stage where I am teaching them now. Luckily not reteaching stuff!


You found your Assrinm112 yet?


Hahaha, funny how life turns around as the age progresses.


I wish i could find my assrim, but dingle is surely slaving right now to rectify the problem.

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So I open this fred to see If PietAssPrint has found himself

& I read ..........."ooh ooh go google this"....




Duuuuddes, even Chuck Norris's stomach can't handle that s#1t...literally!!!!!

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So I open this fred to see If PietAssPrint has found himself

& I read ..........."ooh ooh go google this"....




Duuuuddes, even Chuck Norris's stomach can't handle that s#1t...literally!!!!!

OMS!!!! Its so freaking sif!!!!!
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Maybe it's not his assrim but his coffee table that has a problem?


Or maybe he is linked to that downhill cocks lady? :ph34r:

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