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94.7 race results


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That Amashova time (2h49) is absolutely flying.

I have managed several sub 3hr 94.7s', but the Amashova has proved a bridge too far.

I came close last year missing the 3hr mark by 44 seconds.

But if you can do the Shova in under 3, a sub 3hr 94 should be a breeze...

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Very possible, did my 1st OFM a couple of years back on the mtb (just started cycling) and did the 94km route in 3:58 I think it was. Next year on the road bike did the 97km route in 3:05. I also don't race every event so my times differ...maybe the same here?

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mmmm....I am not convinced...person in question have been cycling for couple of years never sub 3-ing anything and all of a sudden bam......sub 3 amashova and 94.7....I would also want some of that coaching to make such a drastic improvement

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Chap in our office started cycling 6 months ago !!! He said to me he's gonna do a sub 3 94.7 , we laugh and made jokes about it . He did 4 MTB races and this was his first road race starting from NN . He did a 2:58 on his own , no groups and sucking !!


When I started cycling, I started in August. did the Telkom and Ofm and 94.7..... clocked 3h on it, so it's by no means impossible.

In another 100km race in Jozie I did a 3h30 one year and the same race a year later, under 2h30.

So yeah, a lot can happen in a year.

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Can be done, with lots of hard work, and right attitude.


Alot can be done in a year. Dunno what his trainign was like before he took things to another level, but sure he must have done some sucking.....

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Can be done, with lots of hard work, and right attitude.


Alot can be done in a year. Dunno what his training was like before he took things to another level, but sure he must have done some sucking.....

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My first race was 94.7 2011. Did it in 4:21, this year did it in 3:15

I was aiming for the great sub 3 but the wind broke me on the N14.

Also started in group P there was no bunch to get into, which sucked big time

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2011 as a all female tandem, this year as a mixed couple. We all know that on a mixed tandem its maLkes a big difference who is up front.

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BTW, hubby can ride


ok, so you know why I was asking the specific question ;-0. results were very quickly changed.....

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Easy. Mine were: 2010 4:15, 2011 3:25, 2012 3:07 and I was riding with my son this year so could have been quicker.

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ok, so you know why I was asking the specific question ;-0. results were very quickly changed.....


Ok give us the dirt now...

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