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Dad Son and Fun (Don't tell mom)


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Hi Guys thanks for all the kind words... if you have any dad, son and fun stuff to share please do!






here is the raw footage of the "cow saga".....


awesome! Haha
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And they say cows are harmless. Brave little boy you got there. I remember walking along a trail once and encountering a cow. It started just ambling towards me and following me, and I freaked out. I wouldn't have handled a mock charge.

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And they say cows are harmless. Brave little boy you got there. I remember walking along a trail once and encountering a cow. It started just ambling towards me and following me, and I freaked out. I wouldn't have handled a mock charge.


Some years ago, I was riding with my boys at Groenies. Conor, my eldest, went ahead up a section of singletrack, while I ambled behind with my youngest, Breandan. A wildebeest wandered out of a break in the trailside thicket in front of us, and got startled by our approach. It took off up the singletrack, and we heard Conor squealing as it caught up with him! Luckily neither came to harm!

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I reckon the great relationship I have with my son, now 23, is largely based on the amount of time we spent together riding and 'tinkering' on bikes. Including 3 SabieX stage races as a team, did his first at 15 with permission from the commisaire as he was 'under age' .... They were worried about him, damn they should have been more worried about me!

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