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What am i doing wrong?


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Ok so i was finally able to make some time to take my bike out on Saturday morning for only the 3rd time. Anyway after having an awesome ride i wanted to ask advice cause i'm clearly doing something wrong.


After i've changed gears my chain sounds like its stuck between two gears and when i give power it jumps to another gear.

I'm not sure if this is because i don't/didn't use the trigger correctly but as this keeps happening and then on an uphill on Saturday as i climbed out the seat, the chain jumps right off and got stuck between the chainstay and cassette, which forced the flat Aluminum pedals to dig into my Achilles and my knee to hit my handlebar hard enough to bruise, not to mention the lose of momentum.

Needless to say i'm extremely weary now of getting out the seat, but what am i doing wrong?

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Rear derailleur alignment is out. And possibly limits as well if the chain fell off.


Take it to your lbs if you can't adjust it yourself.


Problem should be sorted.

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very easy fix undo the shifter cable adjust the low setting so that the jockey lines up nice with the small cassette ring then it should not fall off there again you will need to go through the gear setting process from there again the chattering should just be a cable tension problem or like afdelite said derailer alignment if all else fails it might be a bent derailer I have seen bikes come brand new with slightly bent hangers then best take it to the lbs but its cool you trying to sort it out oh yes and you tube is the bizniz

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shot guys, so by the sounds of it, its the bike that needs to be looked at and not me that might be doing something wrong, such as pushing the trigger to hard or to soft so that the chain ends up between gears.


Will look at you tube

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shot guys, so by the sounds of it, its the bike that needs to be looked at and not me that might be doing something wrong, such as pushing the trigger to hard or to soft so that the chain ends up between gears.


Will look at you tube

you can push those triggers until they bend if you have the low and high right the derailer will not let the chain off
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take it to a LBS. If you are new to mtb take it in. If you dont know how to set it them you will struggle for a week

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The other day, the chain hopped off. I put it back on, and the bike felt different; it seemed easier to ride.

Then during yesterday's ride, while changing gears, it would sit between gears and make a racket. Sometimes just tapping the shifter would help, but most times not. Is that also a rear derailleur problem?

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Yes 3rd ride chain came off but from the first ride the chain kept slipping / jumping gears

maybe best take it to the bike shop and watch the mechanic the little ****s work fast so record it if you must
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maybe best take it to the bike shop and watch the mechanic the little ****s work fast so record it if you must

new bikes do some times take one or two rides for the drive trains to mesh nicely and by the sounds of things you are really pushing hard take it easy let it mesh and remember your cables will stretch so it will develop a little chatter
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