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Fontainblue BMX Bike Park Restoration


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We are planning to take back the park and restore it with a bigger track for all ages , a place for parents to take their kids on weekends, have a pick nick while the kids burn some energy and learn some skills.


This is a community project and will only work if we get people involved ,


Please let me know if anybody is willing to take part ,



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Fountainblue?! Is that near Kloof and Botha's Hill? *pronounced like an Upper Highway resident would*


But seriously, where in Fontainebleau is this BMX track?

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Also, if you look on this thread you'll see that quite a few riders in and around the Randburg area are wanting a pump track...


Maybe these 2 projects could merge?!

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Patches, Fontainebleau is in Randburg. The bmx track that Volplanne is referring to is just off Rabie Road, near the intersection with Republic road across from the Woolworths centre.


I think it's a fantastic idea. We used to live nearby and always wanted to ride there. We live some distance away now but would get involved where we can if we know when restoration activities are planned.

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WOW! I used to ride that track back in the 80's! On my old Scorpion BMX! Cleared my first table-top there.


I thought that track would have been long-gone by now.

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Learnt to ride a bike on that park many moons ago! Must own majority of the place with the amount of ground "I bought" there!! Go ahead you have my blessing...

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Guys , the track repair plan is still going strong , as soon as I have some details and a the go ahead from city parks ill post some plans and contact details

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a take back the park event this weekend on Saturday morning at the bike track at 8 am if anybody wants to take part

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If you have bring a shovel , plastic bag. I will also take my panga to cut down the reeds where the guys are sitting and hiding stuff

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