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E-toll and your bike rack


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So two months later I receive a bill for my trip to Jozi in December(19-21), I was there for 3 days and my E-Toll bill is R314.25. I have only been charged for two days of driving in Jozi, and each time I was getting hit with an avg charge of R15/gantry, I can imagine because I had a bike rack on?


I only received an invoice yesterday, almost two months after I was in Jozi, meaning I missed the deadline for reduced payments (R125), which I was supposed to have done by the 10 Feb 2014. Not sure how as? I only received the statement yesterday :eek:


This is where the fun starts with my 45min phonecall to E-Toll HQ, when I'm told that it is not there problem that the mail has taken two months too reach me, and that the reduced rate has now increased to R215. The staff are unskilled, and have idea how to properly deal with the public and questions asked of them.


So my question now is, I am not registered(and do not intend to) and I live in Cape,do I ignore or pay?



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How clever of them that apparently according to that Sanral DO05 the system are now able to pick up vehicles with no plates, false plates and even no license disk. Surely then if they are so brilliant then the system should be able to tell the difference between a truck and a car with bikes on the roof, but this would lessen their loot.

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How clever of them that apparently according to that Sanral DO05 the system are now able to pick up vehicles with no plates, false plates and even no license disk. Surely then if they are so brilliant then the system should be able to tell the difference between a truck and a car with bikes on the roof, but this would lessen their loot.


A truck and trailer is Class C . These clever turkeys sends a bill for Truck (class B) and another bill for a trailer (Class C) . Horse and trailer got different number-plates and the combination changes almost daily , i.e a trailer will not always be pulled by the same trailer . It's been almost 3 months now and they still cannot sort this out , so it is better to remove the tags as the discounted non-tagged rate will be cheaper than the double rates you paying .

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All I can say is that the system is a total shambles and a complete mess, compiled by incompetence.


They refuse to acknowledge that their system is flawed and as a result the public must just accept what they say and stump up the money.


Any great cock-up the powers that be have created. There is no way that you can check anything unless you register, and I refuse to register and give my personal details to these scumbags. :cursing:

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