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Why is SA media coverage of cycling so poor? Burry Stander comes 7th in the World Cup event on Saturday and there's nothing in the news, nothing on cycling websites like cyclingnews.co.za, supercycling.co.za, cyclingsa.com. Pfannberger gets a great result for Barloworld in the Li?ge-Bastogne-Li?ge, and again, it doesn't crack a headline. Oh, and Sifiso Nhlapo, who should be gracing the front pages of our local newspapers, just won again in Europe. It seems that the only place to keep in touch is The Hub!


Die ou wat die bokdrol spoegkompetisie op Putsonderwater wen kry meer mediacoverage as fietsry omdat dit is wat die gewone mense lees.

Fietsry is iets wat op 'n ander planeet gedoen wordCry

the media organisations - i'm speaking print in particular - have narrowed there coverage of everything. have just been speaking to an old hand who has just started dashing (freelancing) for us today. he remarked how even 10-15 years ago, staff compliments were about four times what they are now.

media outlets are also slow to notice new trends, like the emerging cycling market. and, like para said, cycling's not rugby, cricket or soccer, which sell. even some of the biggest participation sports in the country - netball, baseball, bowls, dancesport (ballroom dancing) - don't get coverage in mainstream media.

and, while i admire burry, 7th isn't really that newsworthy. greg minnaar?s world cup and champ exploits years ago barely got a mention anywhere. pfannberger's not a south african, so why would that warrant a mention in the media. 

holy roller2008-04-29 04:41:48
Die ou wat die bokdrol spoegkompetisie op Putsonderwater wen kry meer mediacoverage as fietsry omdat dit is wat die gewone mense lees.

Fietsry is iets wat op 'n ander planeet gedoen wordCry


Ja ek moet s? ek het die week na afloop van WP champs self 'n paar keer lelik ge-fume oor media beriggewing.  Die ou van die Argus bv het sommer reguit ges? dat nadat hy die Elite mans se results "per ongeluk" weggelaat het, hy beskou dit nie as "newsworthy" genoeg om weer te publiseer nie shame on you, dude Angry


Dieselfde geld vir ons plaaslike streekkoerant, Die Tygerburger.....Angry jy kan results stuur tot jy blou in die gesig is...........Dead 



Well if you go to supercycling.co.za, for example, the headlines are about Liquigas, tandems in the Panorama tour, Die Oog MTB race, some road racer retiring, etc. Surely 7th in a World Cup XC, ahead of many greats, warrants a mention alongside those? And Pfannberger rides for Barloworld, so it'd be nice of our media to focus on their results. These are all big firsts for SA cycling - a top XC MTBer, a top road race team, a top BMXer. But we get the standard international press releases. So local cycling journo's are not doing their bit to help raise the profile of cycling here.


Burry wys hy het plek na Beijing verdien








28/04/2008 08:23:53 PM - (SA)




PRETORIA. ? Burry Stander het die afgelope naweek in Offenburg, Duitsland, gewys dit was ?n wyse besluit om hom vir die Olimpiese Spele in Beijing te kies.






Die 20-jarige van die GT/Mongoose-span het sewende by die W?reldbeker-byeenkoms ge?indig. Wat sy vertoning merkwaardig maak, is dat hy in die 56ste plek weggespring het.






Stander se wegspring was ?n nagmerrie en sy spanmaat, Todd Wells, het ges? die Suid-Afrikaner het neergeploeg skaars nadat hy weggespring het.






Die gevolg was dat ?The Dart,? soos Stander in internasionale bergfietsry bekend staan, van die begin af moes jaag om die voorlopers in te haal.






Wells skryf op sy webwerf Stander het van die vinnigste rondte-tye opgestel.






?Ek kon dit nie glo toe Burry ons inhaal nie. Sy vaartversnelling in die vyfde rondte was ongelooflik. Ek kon nie by hom bly nie en wat my betref, was dit een van Burry se beste wedrenne n?g.?






Julien Absalon van Frankryk, tans die w?reld se voorste bergfietsryer, het in 1 uur 58 minute en 42 sekondes gewen.






Christopher Sauser van Switserland was tweede en Florian Vogel, ook van Switserland, derde.






Stander kan daarmee spog dat hy die w?reld se sesde, agtste en negende beste jaers geklop het.






Hy was ook tweede in die o.23-afdeling. Glad nie sleg vir ?n jaer wat tans die 42 ste plek op die internasionale ranglys beklee nie.






Stander se vriendin, Cherise Taylor van MTN, is self besig om die w?reld in die China se vyfdaagse Chong-Mingtoer aan die brand te jaag.






In Saterdag se eerste skof was sy derde en Sondag tweede. Met haar haastige vertonings het Taylor verseker dat sy die voorloper in die puntekompetisie is. Sy is algeheel negende, net 42 sekondes agter die voorloper.






Tony Harding, spanbestuurder, is baie opgewonde oor die Suid-Afrikaanse vroue-span se vertoning.






?Ek het in ons spanpraatjie dit by die jaers ingedril dat ek net een ding van hulle verwag. Dit is om aan te val. . . en waneer hulle moeg is, steeds aan te val.






?Ek moet bieg ek was aan die einde effens bekommerd ons jaers sou te moeg wees om die bondelnaelrit te betwis.






?Maar ek het van Cherise, die span se baba, se veggees vergeet. Sy was ongelooflik oor die laaste paar honderd meter. My opdrag in vandag se laaste skof sal wees om ten alle koste aan te val.?






Taylor, vanjaar se Argus-kampioen, moes met haar vurige rywerk in di? toer die keurders finaal oortuig het dat sy dit ook verdien om Suid-Afrika by die Spele in Beijing te verteenwoordig.




Teken in op Die Burger






Track Championships deliver positive results




25 April 2008 (17:29)






Team Neotel have been in fine form over the past two days at the Track Championships in Port Elizabeth at the West Bourne Oval.




The event started on Thursday and the riders got off with a bang with Nolan Hoffman and James Perry qualifying for the Pursuit, this means that the duo will battle each other for Gold and Silver in what promises to be an exciting final.




The ride-off for Bronze will see the House of Paint duo, Arran Brown and Hanco Kachelhoffer clash with each other.




Another exciting event that took place on Thursday was the Elimination race that hosted some of the countries top track riders that included Garth Thomas and Dean Edwards.




These two riders along with Neotel?s Nolan Hoffman have had numerous encounters on the track with Hoffman having a slight edge over his rivals.




























At the end of the evening the SA Elimination Title went to Hoffman who outfoxed his rival?s after a thrilling race.




One of today?s events, the Team Pursuit was won by the quartet of Nolan Hoffman, James Perry, Jaco Venter and Jeremy Maartens. Despite the windy conditions, they clinched the title ahead of House of Paint and Central Gauteng who took 2nd and 3rd respectively.




With just one day left for racing, the Neotel outfit are looking to add some more laurels to their ever-growing resume.




Article by: Bradley Smith ? intouch sports marketing










Track cycling of high standard




28 April 2008 (14:47)


The standard of cycling at the SA Track Championships at the Westbourne Oval Velodrome in Port Elizabeth over the weekend was higher than in recent previous years and most probably because of the two professional road teams that took part, Teams Neotel and House of Paint.


The Elimination Race was raced at an incredibly high speed and the 40km points race was very aggressive with both sets of team riders attempting to crack each other and the track specialists not willing to sit back and let the "roadies" have it all to themselves.




If only more pro teams would take to the track there is no doubt that track racing could regain its former status as it has the potential to provide awesome entertainment.




As it turned out, Team Neotel's Nolan Hoffman deservedly won the Rider of the Championship award after winning the Elimination Race, the 40km Points Race and the 50km Madison with teammate Jaco Venter as well as a second place in the 4000m individual pursuit and a further gold medal in the 4000m Team Pursuit.




Durban's House of Paint (HoP) team put up a good challenge against the more experienced Team Neotel but their successes were restricted to the minor placings with the exception of Dean Edwards' good ride in the 1500m which saw him in first place ahead of Martin van Wyk (CG) and Ivano Siebrits (WP).




As expected, Gadi Chait (CG) had no peers in the individual match sprint which he won from Jean Nell (EP) and the individual one kilometre time trial which he won in a time of one minute eight seconds but had to settle for second place to Central Gauteng 18-year-old Jean Spies (CG) in the Elite Kierin.




The 4000m individual pursuit race was won by Neotel's James Perry from Hoffman and HoP's Hanco Kachelhoffer and Arran Brown who were third and fourth respectively.




There was a tremendous battle for the honours between the two pro teams in the 4000m team pursuit with Team Neotel eventually getting the better of Team House of Paint by a mere two seconds with Central Gauteng third.






Individual match sprint: 1 Gadi Chait (CG), 2 Jean Nell (EP)


Individual 1km time trial: Gadi Chait (CG) 1:08


Elite Kierin: 1 Jean Spies (CG), 2 Gadi Chait (CG)


1500m: 1 Dean Edwards (House of Paint), 2 Martin van Wyk, 3 Ivano Siebrits (WP)


Elimination race: 1 Nolan Hoffman (Neotel)


4000m individual pursuit race: 1 James Perry (Neotel), 2 Nolan Hoffman (Neotel), 3 Hanco Kachelhoffer (House of Paint), 3 Arran Brown (HoP)


40km points race: 1 Nolan Hoffman (Neotel), 2 Martin van Wyk (CG), 3 Jamie Ball (House of Paint)


50km Madison: 1 Nolan Hoffman/ Jaco Venter (Neotel), 2 James Perry/ Jeremy Maartens, 3 Martin van Wyk/ Gadi Chait (CG), 4 Dean Edwards/ Jamie Ball (HoP)


4000m team pursuit race: 1 Neotel, 2 House of Paint, 3 Central Gauteng






Top Tamdems shake up MTN Panorama Tour




28 April 2008 (20:07)






Two top tandem pairs gave the MTN Panorama Tour a shake-up during the 120km Stage 3 on Monday, but they were unable to upstage race leaders Andrew McLean and Graham Cronje (Cycle Lab Toyota) who went on to win their third stage and extend their overall lead going into the final leg on Tuesday.


The demanding 120km stage that started and finished in White River and which took in the feared ascents of Spitkop, Long Tom Pass and Brondal, wasn?t meant to suit tandems. But the Standard Bank pair of Ian Martin and Chris Frankiskos and the TCS Magical duo of Jaco Ferreira and An-Li Pretorius weren?t letting ?meant to? get in the way of a good dice.




Tandem pairs are not known to be able to climb as well as riders on single bikes due to the increased weight of the bike combined with that of the two riders. But two strong climbers with a good power-to-weight ratio can usually bust that tandem myth. The key on Sunday was the long descents after the climbs, which gave a generous gravitational advantage to the tandem pairs, both of whom finished in the top four places.




?It wasn?t an easy day at all today,? said Cronje. ?We?d get away from the others on the climbs, but the tandems would bring them back to us on the downhills.?




In standard road races tandems are not permitted to interfere with the single bike races but the MTN Panorama Tour has no such limitations and as a result, the tandems usually add some ?spice? to the standard racing fare.




?The tandems were reaching up to 100kph on some descents. And if a team of single riders got in a tandem slipstream they?d have a sizeable lead within seconds. We really had to be vigilant today to make sure nobody got away from us,? added Cronje.




McLean and Cronje tried repeatedly to move clear of their rivals on the early climbs, but were ultimately forced to play all their cards on the final haul into White River where they managed to get a gap and build a small lead as they crossed the finish line in 03hr13min19sec. They extended their overall lead by two minutes and increased their lead in the Veteran Men?s race in the process.




The Standard Bank tandem of Martin and Frankiskos secured second place on the stage, just under two minutes behind McLean and Cronje, with the Cycle Lab Brothers duo of Johan and David Labuschagne taking third place overall and first Sub-Veterans. The TCS Magical tandem pair of Ferreira and Pretorius collected fourth place, but maintained their lead in the Tandem division and edged up to third in the General Classification.




?The vibe at this event is so unique. And the fact that the tandems can mix it up with the others changes the dynamics of the racing and makes it really interesting,? explained Martin.




Amoryn Saayman and Carla Rowley continued their dominance in the women?s race, winning their third stage and adding another 10 minutes to their lead with just one stage remaining.




The others stage winners on Monday were the TCS Broken Like Barend duo of Barend Burger and Pieter Henning (Open Men), the Standard Bank Bring It On pair of Tijl van De Winkel and Joanna Hotchkiss (Mixed), and the Filorga team of Ernest Horn and Andre Potgieter (Master Men).




Tuesday?s final stage is a 20km time trial, which may be short, but with 376 metres of ascent, is by no means easy, especially when tackled with weary legs following three demanding stages.




The closest contest for a final category win will be fought out by TCS Broken Like Barend?s Burger and Henning, who will be defending a 76-second lead over the TCS Smyters pair of Henning Jooste and Eben van Wyk.




2008 MTN Panorama Tour




Stage 3: 120km ? White River?Sabie?Long Tom Pass? Brondal?White River




Leading results






1 Cycle Lab Toyota ? Andrew McLean / Graham Cronje 03hr13min09sec


2 Standard Bank Tandem ? Ian Martin / Chris Frankiskos 03:15:04


3 Cycle Lab Brothers ? David Labuschagne / Johan Labuschagne 03:15:06


4 TCS Magical Tandem ? Jaco Ferreira / An-Li Pretorius 03:15:53


5 TCS Broken Like Barend ? Pieter Henning / Barend Burger 03:17:15




Open Men


1 TCS Broken Like Barend ? Pieter Henning / Barend Burger 03:17:15


2 TCS Sprinters ? Petri Strydom / Adolf Krige 03:19:30


3 TCS Smyters ? Henning Jooste / Eben van Wyk 03:20:59


4 Van Lill Broers ? Innes van Lill / Nieuwoudt van Lill 03:22:31


5 Selati ? Stanley Namanyana / Hermanus van der Westhuizen 03:31:48


Open Women




1 MTN 1 ? Carla Rowley / Amoryn Saayman 03:52:56


2 Standard Bank ? Lisa Vermaak / Liefie Day 04:03:47


3 The Eco-Analysts ? Karen Southgate / Adele Ambrose 04:16:11


4 TCS Steel Magnolias ? Denise Devine / Pauline Cound 04:19:23


5 Women of Wonder ? Vanya Gerber / Marlene van Heerden 04:19:41




Sub-Veteran Men


1 Cycle Lab Brothers ? David Labuschagne / Johan Labuschagne 03:15:06


2 Fullimput ? Road Exelby / Donovan Jackson 03:18:40


3 Daikin Gu ? John O?Conner / Moolman Welgemoed 03:24:32


4 Daikin Gu 2 ? David Garret / Chris Botha 03:25:55


5 TCS Road Runners ? Brand du Plessis / Coenie Nel 03:26:09




Veteran Men


1 Cycle Lab Toyota ? Andrew McLean / Graham Cronje 03:13:09


2 Toys R Us ? Issy Zimmerman / John Carstens 03:27:14


3 Bulk Pack Meat Cycle Lab ? Mark Scriven / Hadley McCormick 03:36:29


4 Matrix ? Graham Miller / Derek Nitch 03:36:33


5 PB Team ? Kevin Prinsloo / Peter Browne 03:37:00




Master Men


1 Filorga ? Ernest Horn / Andre Potgieter 03:39:54


2 High Tech Spinning ? Bayne Slabbert / Jurgens Wagner 03:40:23


3 Toti ? Karl Potgieter / Gerrie van Biljon 03:43:27


4 Mosselbaai Fietse 1 ? Johnnie Koen / Greef Moolman 03:56:04


5 True Masters ? Jonathan Swart / Egbert de Bruyn 03:56:15






1 Standard Bank Bring It On ? Tijl van De Winkel / Joanna Hotchkiss 03:31:49


2 N & A Dominance ? Niall Pickersgill / Annarie Rossouw 03:40:07


3 Mokambo Team ? Billy Stelling / Ann Harrison 03:40:36


4 Catch Me If U Can ? Benedikt Schneider / Sarah Wielopolska 03:48:23


5 Chicken Licken ? Tristan Hahn / Michelle Harris 03:49:44






1 Standard Bank ? Ian Martin / Chris Frankiskos 03:15:04


2 TCS Magical ? Jaco Ferreira / An-Li Pretorius 03:15:53


3 Contract/Germiston Wheelers ? Simon Davenall / Dean Puntis 03:42:37


4 Pag ? Christie Cronje / Jaco Cronje 03:59:44


5 Mitek ? Stephen Dixon / Andrew Dixon 04:14:53




2008 MTN Panorama Tour


General Classification after Stage 3




1 Cycle Lab Toyota ? Andrew McLean / Graham Cronje 08hr28min12sec


2 Cycle Lab Brothers ? David Labuschagne / Johan Labuschagne 08:41:48


3 TCS Magical ? Jaco Ferreira / An-Li Pretorius 08:43:11


4 Fullimput ? Roan Exelby / Donovan Jackson 08:45:25


5 Standard Bank Tandem ? Ian Martin / Chris Frankiskos 08:49:10




Open Men


1 TCS Broken Like Barend ? Pieter Henning / Barend Burger 08:50:24


2 TCS Smyters ? Henning Jooste / Eben van Wyk 08:52:40


3 Van Lill Broers ? Innes van Lill / Niewoudt van Lill 09:03:36


4 TCS Sprinters ? Petri Strydom / Adolf Krige 09:03:47


5 Selati ? Stanley Namanyana / Hermanus van der Westhuizen 09:03:48




Open Women


1 MTN 1 ? Carla Rowley / Amoryn Saayman 10:23:49


2 Standard Bank ? Lisa Vermaak / Liefie Day 10:54:55


3 Women of Wonder ? Vanya Gerber / Marlene van Heerden 11:34:19


4 The Eco-Analysts ? Karen Southgate / Adele Ambrose 11:39:08


5 TCS Steel Magnolias ? Denise Devine / Pauline Cound 12:22:12




Sub-Veteran Men


1 Cycle Lab Brothers ? David Labuschagne / Johan Labuschagne 08:41:48


2 Fullimput ? Road Exelby / Donovan Jackson 08:45:25


3 Daikin Gu 2 ? David Garret / Chris Botha 08:58:54


4 Cycle Lab Supercycling ? Danie Marais / Morne van Greuning 09:05:24


5 Cycle Lab IMC ? Paul Cordes / Jason Ward 09:13:57




Veteran Men


1 Cycle Lab Toyota ? Andrew McLean / Graham Cronje 08:28:12


2 Toys R Us ? Issy Zimmerman / John Carstens 09:13:18


3 Matrix ? Graham Miller / Derek Nitch 09:38:39


4 Bulk Pack Meat Cycle Lab ? Mark Scriven / Hadley McCormick 09:41:40


5 Bluff Boys ? Michael Andrews / Randy Walker 09:42:33




Master Men


1 Filorga ? Ernest Horn / Andre Potgieter 09:51:05


2 High Tech Spinning ? Bayne Slabbert / Jurgens Wagner 10:04:38


3 Mosselbaai Fietse 1 ? Johnnie Koen / Greef Moolman 10:13:38


4 True Masters ? Jonathan Swart / Egbert de Bruyn 10:25:06


5 Toti ? Karl Potgieter / Gerrie van Biljon 10:39:12






1 Standard Bank Bring It On ? Tijl van De Winkel / Joanna Hotchkiss 09:21:00


2 Mokambo Team ? Billy Stelling / Ann Harrison 10:00:32


3 C and C Steel ? Dana Coetzee / Sanet Smal 10:03:38


4 N & A Dominance ? Niall Pickersgill / Annarie Rossouw 10:07:03


5 Illovo Cycling Group ? Julius Corbett / Mina Radoycheva 10:32:49






1 TCS Magical ? Jaco Ferreira / An-Li Pretorius 08:43:11


2 Standard Bank ? Ian Martin / Chris Frankiskos 08:49:10


3 Contract/Germiston Wheelers ? Simon Davenall / Dean Puntis 09:51:41


4 Pag ? Christie Cronje / Jaco Cronje 10:34:37


5 Mitek ? Stephen Dixon / Andrew Dixon 11:25:07






The overall contenders at the MTN Panorama Tour lead the race up one of the long climbs during Monday?s gruelling third stage. In blue kit at the front are the Standard Bank Tandem duo of Ian Martin and Chris Frankiskos, followed by Sub-veteran Men?s leaders (in orange) the Cycle Lab Brothers pair of Johan and David Labuschagne and overall leaders (in yellow) the Cycle Lab Toyota duo of Andrew McLean and Graham Cronje.








if you want cycling coverage , get to know the sports editor / reporters at the newspaper and ask if you write the report yourself will they publish it. 9/10 they will if it is recent news and topical. how do you think the Argus is able to get reports on most club and school cricket / soccer and rugby matches.  

if you want cycling coverage ' date=' get to know the sports editor / reporters at the newspaper and ask if you write the report yourself will they publish it. 9/10 they will if it is recent news and topical. how do you think the Argus is able to get reports on most club and school cricket / soccer and rugby matches.  [/quote']


I'm not sure if I'm out of line here, but why must we (general public) write and supply the media with news and results.  isn't their job as reporters to go and search for info....or to stay in touch with what is happening in their areas?  or don't reporters do that any more, or is that only in the movies?


Why can't reporters ask to be on clubs mailing lists or to recieve their weekly newsletters etc to get the relevant info....

Die Burger is very up to date with the cycling and our Leagues has no problem with the exposure there. Usually a big article about the cycling before every weekend and sometimes on the Monday to give the feedback of the racing.


Just a pity that the Soutie(English) papers is a bit behind....


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