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Tour D'urban - please enlighten!!

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I had a look at the winningtime results and this story seems not to be true.

The A-bunch time was 2:44

and he said he was dropped from there.

The B-bunch time was 2:59 and c-bunch 3:04.

So if he were caught by any of the B or C bunches there was no chance that he could do a sub 3 race.

Or are my calculations wrong here?

Ahh! The plot thickens...



Maybe the "official" vehicle was the TCS support car causing trouble again..?



\Possibly I owe the officials of the Tour D'Urban an apology...Confused


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im not very clued up when it comes to this stuff.... but he has a riding licence. but obviously not one of the top guys. jst a regular rider like most of us.

so wld it have bn better for them to have put him in a further group with the open seeded.... i didnt realise this was how it works!

thnx for the feedback.


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No... don't bother with open seeded... tell him to stick at it... ride Elite... Clearly he isn't a mugg... In a year he will be in that bunch trust me...

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If he has a riding licence he probably was starting with the Elites($ -number).

Then he will not be allowed to hook into the following bunches as everyone stated. Unfortunately that is it if you get dropped you have a long and lonely ride to the finish.

With a sub 3 he don't need to feel bad. Some hard training and working hard in the bunches is probably his future.

Also if he is 18 he is still junior this year and unfortunately for him the Juniors and elites started together in this race, which does not happen normally.
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Birdie, if he started in a licensed racing group (i.e. racing for prize money) and he gets shelled from that group he may not join the racing end of any racing group (racing for prize money) that catches him. This is to ensure that he does not influence the racing of that group in any way and that he is not pulled back to his original group by the group that caught him (not likely if he started with the elites Big%20smile)


Basically the groups that race for prize money are Elites, Juniors, Vets and Ladies. These are normally the first groups to start in any race. Oh, he can also not mix it with the tandems!
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ok this is all starting to make sense!!! thnx so much for enlightening me!!!

ya, he did start with the elites (which he was quite shocked abt).


i will pass on the messages to him!

ya, with some training and riding more races he'll soon be sticking with them!


all in good time i suppose***


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shot guys - cleared up a few things for the guy & us less experienced around here. 


I was under the impression he DID start with grp A (non-elite, open seeded) which was where my confusion came in... so apologies if my confusion was passed on to anyone else. 


At least he knows now what to do in the future!


And Pantani, you're right - he's gonna be friggin fast one day not to far away! 
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The question still remains:

How did he do a sub-3? If he started with the Elites (much worse time-wise than starting

with the As), but finished with (or after) the C's, he did closer to a sub-4...


I agree with earlier comments - the more we find out about this, the fishier* it seems...

*And in Durban fish can really stink. Ever smelt a shark?**

** Blue Bulls fans, please take the bait (pun intended)...


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Umm, just a thought, if you want to know why (i.e the rules) the guy got shouted at why not ask the people who organised the race?


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Umm' date=' just a thought, if you want to know why (i.e the rules) the guy got shouted at why not ask the people who organised the race?




I consulted the rules online, and it said nothing about no dropping back to other groups or anything - which is why I asked on the HUB.  
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Hey... all that doesn't matter now... The boy is a natural... Forget open seeded rules... Ride according to elite rules... He will be racing with the best of them in no time! Thumbs%20Up

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ya, when my brother called to tell us how it went, my mom went online and read the rules. also didnt see anything....


he was quite over it by the end of the ride.

he was just a bit in the dark. so wanted to know for future rides what the deal is.

but everythings all cleared up now*** thnx again!


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