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Polar Flow Running Training programs


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Polar flow has recently started offering a complete running (only running) training program for specific distances up to marathon distance.


Has anyone tried it out?


Pse let us know your experiences, trails and tribulations.


I started the marathon program on Monday and was wondering.....


Does it base the intensity (training zones) on historical actual heart rates recorded or on the max heart rate in my running profile set up?


Does it factor in all my training (all the various sports) or only running, for example if I had a high week total (all sports) would it adjust the following weeks training accordingly?

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I am busy with one Swizzie.

The sheduled running program will remain as running excersizes.

However it does take into account your other exersizes for overall HR time spend in each zone.

You can move exersizes around by selecting the one you want to do from your diary on the watch itself.

Lets say you selected your sunday long run to do on a monday it will move the allocated sunday long run and replace it with something else if you need to do.

If you currently use your running index report, the interval session will bring your index down by quit a bit.

Good luck and enjoy trying to stay under the 70% of max for the warmup and long runs.

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I am busy with one Swizzie.

The sheduled running program will remain as running excersizes.

However it does take into account your other exersizes for overall HR time spend in each zone.

You can move exersizes around by selecting the one you want to do from your diary on the watch itself.

Lets say you selected your sunday long run to do on a monday it will move the allocated sunday long run and replace it with something else if you need to do.

If you currently use your running index report, the interval session will bring your index down by quit a bit.

Good luck and enjoy trying to stay under the 70% of max for the warmup and long runs.


Hello Carpet

Thanks, yes i just read up and found out how to change your exercise to a different day...very easy.

LOL my last run i had to walk during the cool down phase to stay in the correct zones and stop my watch from shouting at me...


To make it worse I have now changed to the default polar HR settings based on max heart rate test results (not age calculated) and my zone 1 and 2 settings are now lower than before (these were a manual / free setting based on a 5km TT HR average). Now my long run for tomorrow is in zone 2....which with the default setting is a bit lower than what i would normally do.... hope i don't have to walk then.


I had to try change because in the first week of my base building phase the effort just felt to hard for base building... 


I quite like the program, very nice as it tells you everything you need to do each time during your exercise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am busy with one Swizzie.

The sheduled running program will remain as running excersizes.

However it does take into account your other exersizes for overall HR time spend in each zone.

You can move exersizes around by selecting the one you want to do from your diary on the watch itself.

Lets say you selected your sunday long run to do on a monday it will move the allocated sunday long run and replace it with something else if you need to do.

If you currently use your running index report, the interval session will bring your index down by quit a bit.

Good luck and enjoy trying to stay under the 70% of max for the warmup and long runs.

I see what u mean about the wu and long runs and also the cool down..... Never run so slow for so long before... I think other runners who see me must be thinking "agh shame why bother" or something like that..... Especially on the cool downs...


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