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2018 challenges

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had a good first half  ride on Saturday...decided to turn and head out to Umhlanga instead of heading home...paid dearly for it...ended up at the garage for an energade and energy bar to get home.


body was feeling broken on Saturday night...but i still got up and headed out to the Karkloof classic on Sunday morning...did the 40 km at a nice easy pace...enjoyed the view and the company...noticed my hr was a little higher than expected...could be from over doing it a bit...my legs where feeling it on the single tracks...what an awesome feeling throwing the bike around through the forest...i am going to make an effort to spend more time on the mtb...road riding is leka...but the mtb is way more fun.


jumped on the scale this morning 2 kg up...i must say i was a little surprised...i have been eating healthy and cutting out the junk...i am not too concerned about the gain because i can feel my  gut is getting really soft...my only concern is no matter how skinny i look...my actually weight is going to be a huge factor in achieving my goal...even at 90 kg it will mean i will need to be pushing huge power...which i dont have.


not the best comparison...but pretty much sums it up...even if you can push over 2000 watts...the skinny fella is gona hand it to you...my goal is not to beat anyone...just do a sub 3 ...maybe i am doing this all wrong.


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had a good first half  ride on Saturday...decided to turn and head out to Umhlanga instead of heading home...paid dearly for it...ended up at the garage for an energade and energy bar to get home.


body was feeling broken on Saturday night...but i still got up and headed out to the Karkloof classic on Sunday morning...did the 40 km at a nice easy pace...enjoyed the view and the company...noticed my hr was a little higher than expected...could be from over doing it a bit...my legs where feeling it on the single tracks...what an awesome feeling throwing the bike around through the forest...i am going to make an effort to spend more time on the mtb...road riding is leka...but the mtb is way more fun.


jumped on the scale this morning 2 kg up...i must say i was a little surprised...i have been eating healthy and cutting out the junk...i am not too concerned about the gain because i can feel my  gut is getting really soft...my only concern is no matter how skinny i look...my actually weight is going to be a huge factor in achieving my goal...even at 90 kg it will mean i will need to be pushing huge power...which i dont have.


not the best comparison...but pretty much sums it up...even if you can push over 2000 watts...the skinny fella is gona hand it to you...my goal is not to beat anyone...just do a sub 3 ...maybe i am doing this all wrong.



Eating healthy but eating too much will still cause weight gain..


Have you been monitoring exactly how many calories you have been consuming?


no i dont...i am going to address that problem this week ( see a person who knows about this stuff)...otherwise all the rest is just a waste of time and effort...it is starting to cost a few bob...but the results are already showing...flexibility/mobility has improved (tests done this morning)


i can normally gauge if i am loosing weight by a few things...


i pee like race horse.


the gut gets soft.


hollows form on the sides of my gut.


the skin around my jaw starts to hang.


all these are happening...just the scale shows a 2 kg increase...thats why i am no too concerned about the scale at the moment. 


been going through my 2015/2016/2018 cadence numbers...i am confused...in 2015 for example i could push over 900 watt max and avg a higher wattage than i can today...taking into consideration that i came off the couch seriously overweight...now been riding for  a while...and my legs should be a lot stronger considering i have put in 17 000 km of cycling...3 cadence sessions and dropped 20 kg since the cadence session in 2015...yet today my max power was less the 900 and i couldnt even hold a 550 watt avg for 30 seconds


I know i had a bad night sleep...but even avg numbers over the last 6 sessions arent much better than my numbers in 2015...we talking actual numbers from a power meter on the bike...not weighted power as indicated on strava.


setting a goal is one thing...not having a program or structured system in place...just makes the goal that more difficult and the reality of achieving it less realistic.


i am glad i started early...i can now see where i have gone wrong in the past and mistakes i am making as the days tick by... 5 months to go.


it doesnt help going to cadence if you are just going to ride the watt bike every tuesday and thursday...with no idea of what to do on the other days...i believe this is a mistake i have made in the past...i commit 110 % to the effort...how ever ...I over do it by not resting and recovering...unfortunately cadence dont give you a program to follow over a period of time...you just just go there twice a week and hammer it within zones to what ever the intervals set out  for that day....i am starting to think maybe a power meter for my bike and a cycling coach would be money better spent.


managed to get a test saddle from Greg at cyclesphere...nothing worse than getting to 80 km into a ride and silly things like butt pain start making you feel uncomfortable...you start moving around on the saddle having to stand...or lift your butt to get blood circulating. 


Dont over complicate .


Stick to diet and cadence for 6 weeks. Lekker easy long rides over the weekend.


After 6 weeks look at numbers and then make changes if you have to.


My humble opinion of course


as expected...all fall down...wasnt feeling it on thursday morning at cadence...that feeling got worse...by friday afternoon i had to leave site and head home...felt like someone was beating the back of my eye balls...nose was running like a an open tap at a free water point...made a few immune boosting juices...hasnt helped much.


i had to pull out of the team to race at the M13 classic....decided to go down and at least show my support...that cold breeze didnt help...took a few pics and packed up and went home. 


been taking it easy back on the couch just doing nothing...i am so tempted just to get on the trainer and just ride a bit to keep the legs turning...but i know what will happen if i do...so for now i will just try recover...as frustrating as it is i will force myself to recover...and maybe just ease into it a little slower.


its been a week of feeling like hell...i decided to take it easy and back off all training...being self employed...i had to go to work everyday...tried to get as much rest as possible...i am listening to my body...as frustrating as it is...in the past there is a good chance i would have said suck it up and give it horns...this week has made me realize...without my health...i have nothing...i dont have 6 digit figues in the my bank account...my hands are my income.


still not feeling 100 %...but it is time to ease back into the routines...will be back on the bike from tomorrow.


this setback has made me think a little about what i need to do.


a 3 day fast...water only...something i should have done while i have been feeling so crap...will need to plan it for the right days...like friday...saturday...sunday...so that it doesnt interfere with work.


stick with the juicing...even if i loose focus on the odd occasion i am still getting the good stuff.


tap off a little...i know i feel 20...but the reality is i am 52...i am not saying change my goal...just ease the pace a little.


add more variety...for example walk...body weight training etc.


Took it easy this weekend...only did 75 km on Saturday and 70 km on Sunday.


I have decided to take on this sugar addiction and eating disorder and be done with it.


Starting from today with a 3 day fast...water only...were to from there i will figue that out in the next couple of days.


I do realise this is going to be the most difficult challenge i have ever faced...drugs...smoking and Alcohol were easy in comparison...simply because they are seen as life threatening and not socially accepted..


some good news...i have managed to fix the fizzy drink addiction...from drinking 2 litres of normal coke a day...down to 1 or 2 500 ml of coke zero a day...to no more fizzy drinks for a while now.


more good news...the XC7 shoes are starting to feel more comfortable and the ridge is not forming in the front of the replacement shoes...as i have mentioned before...climbing certainly feels better with the stiff sole. 


bad news...my newest Assos bib has a hole where they rub on the saddle...not my old assos or even my old first accent have worn through  :(


Ok so that went as i expected...not quite water only.


Day 1...manged to fast for about 20 hours...then reality kicked in...i dont sit at a desk and the following morning i had a cadence session...my headache which got rather intense by 3 pm helped make the decision to consume something...listen to the body...so i had a cup of black coffee with no sugar...then at 5 pm a dash of chicken with a veg mix...then nothing just water.


Day 2...500 ml of water as i woke up...then off to cadence for a 1 hour session...i took it easy and stuck to mid tempo (around 200-230 watts) rather than upper tempo for the muscle endurance session at a slow cadence...only drank a couple of sips out the 750 ml bottle (normally i finish the entire 750 ml) make no mistake there was still sweat and lots of it...by 3 pm i was still feeling good...water only...no headache...had a black coffee no sugar...6 pm i had a sweet potato...a piece of venison and that terrible orange stuff...then water only.


Day 3...500 ml of water...2 days no porcelain throne visit...so i decided to have a black coffee no sugar...it worked...got some movement...something different today...adding an electrolyte to a 750 ml water. 


i know the aim was to fast water only...i have decided it was a bad idea to just go from cold turkey...i have a job and customers are not interested in my fasting...they want what they pay for...with cadence session i dont think it is a smart idea.


So plan B...stick to what i am doing fast for 20 + hours and ease into it...and choose days which will suit my lifestyle...to fast 100 % water only.


just these 3 days have already highlighted a few things...


shopping for example...bad idea...those sweets...chocolate...hot chips...deep fried chicken strips are bad for me (i have managed to say no) 


the kitchen at home should be out of bounds...it seems that just walking into the kitchen sparks off cravings to snack...there are still muffins in the container from the weekend (what a waste) we have installed a cupboard in the kitchen with a lock...which now keeps all the bad stuff.


i am not hungry until the afternoon...so i am going to try stick to plan B for a while longer.


jumped on the scale to see if anything has changed...101.2 kg...still the same as it was last week. 


i must say one thing i have noticed...when i drink water it feels like it goes all the way down into my gut....as strange as that may sound. 


Day 3 finished off with a chicken salad in the afternoon then a piece of steak with beans and sweet potato for dinner...i must say i am feeling good this morning.


Had a good cadence session this morning...nice easy one...endurance...then tempo...then anaerobic for 30 seconds...one thing that i am very happy with is the consistency...compared to my first and second cadence sessions in 2015/2016 the screen looked like a whole lot of waves...this 2018 session...the lines are more defined...you can actually see the intervals...I am happy with the results today...managed to hold  556...520 and 540 avg for the last 3 intervals...one thing i have learnt about these cadence session...if i can still pedal for 20 minutes after the 40 min session i didnt put in enough effort..


i need to up the long distance rides and put 100 % effort into eating healthy and dropping the weight otherwise i am not going to achieve the goal...this fasting has certainly helped me focus a bit better on the food that i eat. 


Day 3 finished off with a chicken salad in the afternoon then a piece of steak with beans and sweet potato for dinner...i must say i am feeling good this morning.


Had a good cadence session this morning...nice easy one...endurance...then tempo...then anaerobic for 30 seconds...one thing that i am very happy with is the consistency...compared to my first and second cadence sessions in 2015/2016 the screen looked like a whole lot of waves...this 2018 session...the lines are more defined...you can actually see the intervals...I am happy with the results today...managed to hold  556...520 and 540 avg for the last 3 intervals...one thing i have learnt about these cadence session...if i can still pedal for 20 minutes after the 40 min session i didnt put in enough effort..


i need to up the long distance rides and put 100 % effort into eating healthy and dropping the weight otherwise i am not going to achieve the goal...this fasting has certainly helped me focus a bit better on the food that i eat. 

Yesterday, I threw out (donated) ALL the *** in my house. Pretzels, bread, potato, carrots, you name it. Anything not on the "green list" for keto got chucked. On to black coffee as well, and it bloody tastes great. 


Remove the temptation, and it'll be a lot easier. 


Now to control those weekend binges. 


 On to black coffee as well, and it bloody tastes great. 



Now to control those weekend binges. 

after the 3 days of black coffee only...it tastes better already...did have my coffee with milk today...but i must say not much difference in the taste without the sugar...i am gona try push for the black coffee...at the end of the day you add up the cost of milk and sugar...i am gona save a few bob (more money towards my power meter ;)


one of the reason i wanted to try the fasting...to stop binge eating and to control the fridge snacking...but more important to learn to eat when i feel hungry...i am super excited to do it more often for short periods and who knows i might even try a full fast for a couple of days...but for now i will stick to the 20 hr fast...no food from 6 pm until the 3 pm the following day.


a few people have said i am crazy to even consider it...but after trying it...it gets easier by the day...there is a lot of content on the www as to why it is good for you. 


the way i see it (i might be way wrong) i have enough stored energy around my waist to keep me going for at least a couple of weeks without eating...i have never needed to hibernate...so 20 years on no need to make use of the stored energy...it would be a good time now to make use of it...and it is winter so i have a good excuse :)


my only concern is when you hibernate you would be in a calm state with very little movement...doing HIT session at cadence might require a little nutrition...eating the night before will keep me going the next morning...as it did today.


today i had a small snack which got me through the day...will have a light dinner at around 6.


by the way i havent had any bread this week...not even 1 slice.


Sugar ruins the taste of good coffee, so you will appreciate it once you get used to it and never go back.

I did intermediate fasting during Lent this year, ate nothing every other day and only drank water or rooibos tea. Worked very well for me, did not cheat because it was Religious and I lost 7 kg. Evenings where tough with the smell of supper around so I fiddled with bikes in the garage



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