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New bike price scares for 2009 models


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Ok....soooooo we are all shuddering in our boots from the 20-30% bike price increases expected for the new range of models coming in July/August.Ouch


Now, I'm sure some LBSs want to move stock, but TBH I would rather appreciate a shop telling me the truth than scaring me into a purchase. Sure, I am not saying a LBS should sell me a 2009 bike at 2008 prices. If I'm going to spend R35k on a bike, the extra 6k is maybe not as critical, but if my overstreched budget is maxed out at R8k and then I'm hearing that the same bike will cost me R10-12k in a month's time, then sure I'm going to spend the money now. However, should that same 2009 bike come in on the floor selling R8500 or R9k, then I'll be very pi$$ed, because I was lied too.


So, one for the distibutors.....what will the increases be...will a Schwinn Moab Disc 2009 for example cost R9880, 30% up from its current R7600 pricetag? Will a 2009 Mongoose Meteore Team cost R24998.45, 25% up from R19999? Will a R20k/R25k Yeti FS frame cost R30k+ in August? Some LBSs say increases are 30%, other say the normal 10-15% increases are on the cards.....which is it really?


Just, please, an honest response. What do the rest of thehubse.co.za  forumers think...?


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Read a similar artical in a UK MTB magazine.


Like Mr. Bean would have said: "Brace yourselfs".
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I guess my plans for buying my new bike with an ultegra groupset next year just changed to either not buying a bike at all and sticking to my entry-level machine, or lowering my expactations to the 105 groupset for the same price as current ultegra prices...


This topic spoiled my day...Cry
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From the Raleigh site


Written By Brandon Els | Date 2008-06-30

There is a lot of speculation in the bike industry about the prices of 2009 model year bicycles.

The truth is that there has been extreme inflation in the FOB prices well above the recently announced current 16.7% that PPI is running at in South Africa. The affects of this extreme imported inflation is yet to be experienced by the SA bike industry and I can only guess that it is going to start to hit SA around in the period August - December 2008.

The price inflation for 2009 also varies according to the segment of the market with entry-level bikes carrying a much higher level of inflation than the mid and high-level bikes. In some instances on our entry-level FOB prices we have experienced increases of up to 60%. I have in this past week sat in meetings with buyers from Makro and Game and the good/bad news is that these experienced buyers are facing the exact same situations. So we could all cry in a bucket together. 

The temptation to down spec. product to make price points are there and some big brands are engaging in this process, however our focus is to provide the consumer with the best spec. possible and in fact on our entry-level bikes we have up specced our entire Raleigh Sport Series for 2009.

Price increases at FOB in the mid to high-level bikes are running at between 15% to 35% depending on models, but that does not factor in the depreciation of our currency against the $. This is going to send the price of these bikes through the roof. Raleigh Trail Series and Raleigh Elite Series have also been up specced with new models added.

There sure are interesting times ahead.



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Credit Card + Budget = Bike Dead 

I think that finance packages for bikes are going to become more popular, but the insurance companies won't like this too much.
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Paging through UK bike mags, many shops offer finance. Is this done through banks or financed by the bike shop itself. Anyone know of any local bike shops that offer finance on their bikes?

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Just my 2 cents


Am in steel Ind prices been up by almost 100%, since Jan

(This is across world) Any industry using raw material / steel for production or oil = Higher prices.. and no small price increases....

Sorry Brace yourselves, for prices on all toys, being higher .. much igher.. 
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I think the flip-side is that there will be good deals to be had. You are going to have to move stock to keep your retail operation going.

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Deals on slow year old stock, mmm think we should start getting ready...

a good year old, "New" Cervelo, ... must put some RR$$$ ASIDE...


I Hope the LBS / Bigger stores come up with some exciting, innovative

ways to keep us on the new, toys... always something that can be done

to reduce, cost to consumer...
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The one good thing about the increase in 2009 prices, it may lead to some "proper" pricing of second hand goods. I have often felt like after you have bought a new bike/ parts from the bike shop they depreciate worse than a car!


I bought a Battaglin in 2002 and have it insured for the cost of R12k. I will be lucky to get R3k for the bike now - so it hangs in my garage unused. I would hate to know how much I would be able to get for my Tarmac with Record that I bought last year!!!
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I still own the record in a depreciated, price toy.. MY CAR

A 2005/6, (O5 model reg in 06) MG ZT190...  Cost new 265k

Value today worthless, cant give it away.. since colapse og MG..

Brilliant car, dsigned by BMW, Part built by BMW.. Full house.. but not worth a cent....

My bicycle, still worth, approx 65% of new price....
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Learn how to service your MG and maybe it will be worth a fortune in 20 years time. Anything wrong with it? Surely it is as good to drive as when you thought it was still worth something.


As for bikes I have got a frame that I will be happy to ride until it breaks.
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ConfusedI still love my car, but not as much as my bike..

Nothing at all wrong, with it

but Work = I do aprox 50 -100thousand km each year..

Servicing a car like this , no joke...

I would need to trade, it to get new car.... so my tax doesnt kill me..


Bicyle, mine carbon .. hopefully.. prices wont shoot to high, for new frames.


We will have to save a bit now for the special deals coming
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That's also my dilemma have the insurance money to buy a new carbon frame now,but do I wait for the 2009 stock at higher prices or buy something decent with a higher spec now.

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I got scared...took the plunge...Smile..got new bike..Big%20smile...still waiting to ride it...Ermm...not sure if geometry/kit of the bike will change for 2009.....so there was no reason to wait till August 2009 to get the shock....


Can't wait to ride my new bike....its been raining here since the weekend....damn....Disapprove


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