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Returning to cyclist to South Africa


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Open letter to all who whould like to respond.


My family and I are considering returning to SA. We live in Melbourne, Australia and have been here for the last 10 years, Why we are thinking about returning is complicated however I am an avid road cyclist and am slightly obssesed with my riding.

One of my biggest concerns about returning is what is it like to ride in SA, If we came back, it would be to Johannesburg, Sandton area. So really I need riders from the area to respond.


I would like some feed back on the road conditions, the areas to ride, if it is worth while joining a club and who is recommedable. what it is like to share ride the roads with cars and the like and any other information that might be relevant.


I currently ride a Giant TCR advanced 1 2009 model.


Thanks to all that respond,




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Lots of things to do.


Depending on level there are several ride groups: Engen2Engen, Illovo and

Dunkeld spring to mind - depending on your fitness level.



Cycle Lab (yay!), Club 100, Cresta and if you're Jewish and over 60 there's



I'll send you a PM with my email address..


jmaccelari2009-12-09 02:26:02

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I am a member of Cyclelab's Fourways Club and it has been fantastic. The rides are very well organised. I would recommend them.

In the northern part of JHB there is the cradle area to ride in with many cyclists starting and finishing their rides at Riverstone Lodge which offers safe parking.
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Road conditions are not too bad , if ride in Cradle of Mankind its better stick strictly to the road rules or you might get a pic taken of you and published here.  


MTB conditions are excellent.
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Open letter to all who whould like to respond.


what it is like to share ride the roads with cars and the like   


The cars are not the problem, its the nut behind the wheel.


Just make sure that you wait a good 10 seconds before crossing an intersection where the traffic light has just turned green in your favour.

This is to make sure that all the highspeedvechileswithnobrakes have time to cross from the other side even if it's now red for them.


As an expat who returns to JNB at least once a year I'm constanly amazed by the amount of people who think its ok to go through a red light long after it turned red.

Last month I even had a fellow show me the finger because I flashed my lights at him (he was the second car to go through the same red robot)


One day he will find out why there are so many wooden crosses and flowers spread around the intersections in JNB




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SA land of milk and honey but be careful us blacks steal anything even the milk from you tea. Make sure your bike stay indoors bolted with a chain and lock because if it moves we take.(had to get in before big H and Sias convince you otherwise).

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lol one reason you wont be coming back is to enjoy politeness and consideration on the roads here. Its hectic and dangerous to say the least, really stresses one out driving around here.  So therefore I commute as much as I can by bike but use mtb hardtail since I can ride pavements and try keep off the roads as much as possible. Traffic lights dont mean much,  esp. to our much loved informal-sector taxis, but the biggest danger of all imho is the rich beetch in SUV running rat runs while  engaged in cell phone conversations, they span the spectrum of skin pigments as well I might add.


But as said above there are many organised group rides and early morning cycling (which is just so awesome in Jhb in summer) and lots of races , some with total road closures, which is the only time i take out my road bike. Think about some MTB as well, so much to choose from being in GP and a great chance to enjoy the country with your family.  Cycling is big here, but for some strange reason 99% umlunghu.
kosmonooit2009-12-09 08:09:53
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SA land of milk and honey but be careful us blacks steal anything even the milk from you tea. Make sure your bike stay indoors bolted with a chain and lock because if it moves we take.(had to get in before big H and Sias convince you otherwise).

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SA land of milk and honey but be careful us blacks steal anything even the milk from you tea. Make sure your bike stay indoors bolted with a chain and lock because if it moves we take.(had to get in before big H and Sias convince you otherwise).






Priceless! smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif

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Thanks for all the replies and I have looked into some of the clubs online, SA web sites are bit lacking in information some times.


I will be in SA in Jan so I will hopefully get a chance to go into a couple of shops, use my 1-7 exchange rate to buy stuff and get some more info.


I also have a mountain bike however I am a roadie at heart.
Kupe2009-12-12 00:17:03
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SA land of milk and honey but be careful us blacks steal anything even the milk from you tea. Make sure your bike stay indoors bolted with a chain and lock because if it moves we take.(had to get in before big H and Sias convince you otherwise).


Priceless! smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif

I'll be laughing for the rest of the day....ClapLOLClapLOLClap
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I live in Wellington so i can not give a opinion. However i want to add that where we live its cycling heaven both on rd and off. To be honest if i stayed up in Joburg i probably would not be a cyclist. I have lots of respect for the oaks that live up there and actually still ride. They do however probably have the best clubs & riders in the country. So, there will be quite a nr of people with the same passion you could fall in with. Yes, we live in a amazing country but all the extras does not make it worthwhile

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