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Tubeless Conversion


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So i did the conversion last night using the Stan's kit. I have Bontrager Select wheels and used a Larsen T USt and Monorail UST tyre. It went pretty well except for putting the sealant into the tyres. any advice for a "cleaner" or easier way to add the sealant? The tyres seemed to seal immediately except for a small hole on the sidewall that i noticed on a new tyre but i guess that will seal as well. Any advice??? I used a syringe but the sand like particles kept blocking the exit.  

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Did you add sealant through the valve or did you unmount the tyre? I add mine by unmounting the tyre a little, across 3 spokes. Then insert a funnel and pour 2 scoops of Stan's in.Eedubz2010-02-09 04:33:24

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you guys speak of unmounting a tyre as if its easy to get it off and back on.... Maybe i just need a bit more practise. But thanks for the heads up.

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you guys speak of unmounting a tyre as if its easy to get it off and back on.... Maybe i just need a bit more practise. But thanks for the heads up.

Dont unmount it fully, get 2 tyre levers under the bead, 1 open spoke between them, and clip the levers to the spokes on either side of that open spoke in the middle. Jam a thin funnel into the gap you just created, and pour your juice in ;-)

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well the ust tyres sit tighter with a bead like they have,  if you have the removeable valve cores you can buy snmall 60mm stans bottles that will for the hole and are enought to fill a tyre, just shake enough !


The buy a big bottle and pore that into the small dispenser, much quicker and easier and no mess !
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well the ust tyres sit tighter with a bead like they have' date='  if you have the removeable valve cores you can buy snmall 60mm stans bottles that will for the hole and are enought to fill a tyre, just shake enough !


The buy a big bottle and pore that into the small dispenser, much quicker and easier and no mess !


That was the answer i was actually looking for.... Thansk alot guys. WIll check at my LBS for the smaller bottles.
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