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Sore hamstrings

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I was cramping in my quads on my Cervelo with 54 cm top tube. Sold it and bought a Felt FC with 58cm top tube. No problems when not pushing hard with no quad problems but twinges in hammy's now and then. I was told to ride through it.


On Sunday did 80km race which started uphill. After 1km my hammys were sore and never recovered and had to stand often to ease the pain. After the ride I could not bend my knees for several hours and could not even take my shoes off!!


Two changes I made for the race - I shortened the stem from 140 to 100 (on the recommendation of my LBS) and I wore new carbon shoes.


What is my problem and what is the solution?
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Did you warm up...you cant just start riding hard uphill. You need to go for at least a 10min leg loosener before the race. Sounds like you had a slight tear in your hammies.

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Hi ocram - yes I have had several done and the current one is the best. I decided to move the saddle forward 2cm this morning and I got a sore left knee!!


SS - no I did not and this may be the crux. I went to the physio and she confirmed no tear thank goodness


Many thanks.
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Soooo you are blaming you bike / frame size / setup for cramping during racing hard, hectic.

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Wobbles, Bike setup does not only mean, you get set on your bike for hight and distance only. A good setup will check the way you peddal, cleat setup and they way your feet fits inside the shoes (the angle of your ankles), and if you move your seat fw and you ride hills? this is not good. I did a cycle lab computer setup and it worked for me. You need to always strech!!! before and after any form of bike ride, (casual or race)


This can be a tough one I hope you get some other advice
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Hi ocram - yes I have had several done and the current one is the best. I decided to move the saddle forward 2cm this morning and I got a sore left knee!!


SS - no I did not and this may be the crux. I went to the physio and she confirmed no tear thank goodness


Many thanks.


Why did you move the saddle forward 2 cm?

This is probably to much change in one ride, rather try and make smaller adjustments (not more than 0.5 cm).


Hamstring pain - If it's in both legs could be your saddle height is slightly to high, or even if it is one leg it could still be that the saddle is to high but one leg is slightly shorter than the other.



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Marius - of course....its all about the bike!!!


Carbon - I did!!



Thanks for your pertinent comments. I am floundering a bit as Argus is just around the corner and I would like a strong ride after last year! I don't want to do anything too radical at this late stage but will consider a Cycle Lab set up afterwards.


Yes - I am lazy to stretch but my physio also emphasized this point. She also said don't change anything but get used to the new shoes as she said the cleats were probably not aligned with the old ones.



I thought that inbetween my Cervelo and Felt setups I would find a happy medium!! I was wrong and got kakked on by the more experienced riders this morning and they said change in mm and NOT cm!!


I will heed your advice and change it to only 0,5 cm.


I will do the above change and then decide on changing saddle height. I have a suspicion that I have always been too far forward and my hammy's are not used to all this work!! My quads took big strain this am and will be pleased when I take the strain off them. Many thanks,
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