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Wives Vs Cycling


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At least cycling gives my wife something to give me *** about. I cant understand how the fact that I cycle can upset her so much. Would she prefer it if I hang around in pubs? I was in any case married to cycling before I married her so she knew how the package works. If I didnt cycle I would just be another bloated beer gut 40 year old,so the fact that it pisses her off is for her own account cause the agent dont care what she thinks about it.


The positive side is that she thinks my R40 000 MTB cost R2500 cause she dont know jack **** about cycling.



God - how did you manage that one - you definatly better not let the wife find this thread. :unsure:

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TBA, WHEN you're wife divorce's you (which might be a distinct possibility :) ) make sure your bike is specified in the prenup. :blink:

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Nope my wife is cool about the cycling thing. But I see a dark spot on the horizon, wife is pregnant!! But on the bright side, there will be the pitter patter of little cleats in the house soon. :rolleyes:

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But on the bright side, ther will be the pitter patter of little cleats in the house soon. :rolleyes:



Lol, congratulations, and good luck - the first challenge will be to find the smallest possible shoe that will take cleats, and that seems to be about a size 35 in my experience, i.e. about 9 years old!



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Yeah can't wait for my first to be born. 9 yrs is a while to wait but will be worth it.


Nothing stops getting bike seats and trailer bikes in the meantime...

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Yup will def do that. Little Falls? Where is that?


West Johannesburg


Good point - will fix profile

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I was wondering cos the only little falls I know is in Iowa in the US. Was going to do the 94.7 this year again, but no mates want to come with. Sucks

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I was wondering cos the only little falls I know is in Iowa in the US. Was going to do the 94.7 this year again, but no mates want to come with. Sucks


It does - what were you doing in Iowa?

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I cycled (MTB) when I met my wife and got her into cycling as well, then stopped gradually as other things in life became more important like work, 4x4's, partying, smoking, drinking and basically having the good life. Then came the kids and I thought that now I will never start MTB again.


When my first son got 2 years old this February I decided that I don't want to be one of those dads that just stands on the side of the sports field and watch as all the 'fit' or younger dads run 'piggy back' with their children against each other on a school sports day. I want to be one of those dads whose children are proud of him for winning the 'piggy back' etc.!


Shortly after my son's birthday I treated myself and bought a TREK Top Fuel and started MTB again and quit smoking and too much drinking and believe me you can make time without your wife moaning it is interfering with family life! What she don't see won't bother her so if you cycle in the morning early how can she complain if you come back and bring her tea in bed? I must also admit that it is perhaps easier for me than for other hubbers considdering I live less than 1/2 km from the George Dam which is the starting point for some of the nicest routes in the Outeniqua Mountain and in S.A. so getting to nice routes is no problem. The fact of the matter is that she had to start cycling again after the second child (this August) to get her figure back and today we are going to cycle after work while her mother looks after the children. Believe me I am also busy. Oh yes and now I am in top shape again like when I was 21 years old although I am now only 33 and also this weekend I won the 'piggy back' between three schools on my son's first sports day. My wife is proud as well and this is the main reason she started cycling with me again - I guess I am the motivation for her.


This is just what works for me, but everyone is in a different situation that has to be handled differently!

Edited by Meerkat1
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Nope my wife is cool about the cycling thing. But I see a dark spot on the horizon, wife is pregnant!! But on the bright side, there will be the pitter patter of little cleats in the house soon. :rolleyes:


Baby seat for the bike. You also need to upgrade your bottles to keep your little one hydrated - told wife about those Camelbak bottles from CWC and she told me to get a couple :)

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@MeerKat1 My kids changed my life around. Had the same concerns and accepted the reality that I was either the dad that joined in on the action, or I was not going to be around much longer (my health went for a nose dive at 33 and scared me silly).



My 3yr old little Hubber loves it when we go for a spin around the block on his Y-bike, or dropping him off at creche with the bike or in the babby-seat. Its great fund that we have found something to do together and I really hop the new little Hubber also finds her training wheels soon.

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hay guys


my hubby got me into mtb.... and made me safe my life away for a year so i could buy my own bike..... i think he was checking if i was truly keen. but now i'm the one saying take the money out the bond to buy a new road frame.... and i was the one jumping up and down over the new wheels we got for the mtb's.... aaa how the tables turn....

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My girl friend jokeingly said what happens if I sell your bike, So i replied what happens if i sell your dogs.


It was the last time I heard a comment about my bike.

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