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The joke that is the Firearms Act


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Still waiting...4 years later. After they gave me the wrong competency, did the rifle so i could get an old British 303. great rifle....they gave me a handgun and a shotgun competency...now they won't even consider my rifle license because on all the systems it says i have a handgun and shotgun...been through 3 re-submissions of paper work...one guy lost it in his car and admitted it was there on the weekend at some point 3 years ago. Randburg is a absolute mess.


Now given up. The really sad thing is that the gun has been sitting there and now can't be sold to anyone else either as half the paperwork is done the other half lost...



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It is totally ridiculous! My parents live in Mozambique (a truly 3rd world country in comparison to SA) and my father was able to secure all 3 of his licences (hunting rifle, shotgun, revolver) within a matter of months. None of this bull about waiting for 2 years+ for them to make their minds up.


I applied for a handgun here in SA last year April and am still waiting for some/any sort of confirmation from the licencing department.

But i guess things take time in Africa, just got to have some patience.

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Hi Fork, it is a Astra A70, 10mm and the Police Station ( in the broadest sense of the word) is Walmer Police here in Port Elizabeth

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Trust me I know nothing to do with cycling, but after 4 years and receiving a competency saying I'm capable of using one, I get told I've had my request refused. Even though I have jewellery store and have had two violent armed robberies, my business partner was targeted at his house and hijacked, and after sending 53 pages of documents substantiating my request. Sorry folks as I know this has no relevance to cycling, but so damned annoyed right now! Even though I can appeal I frankly fail to see the point. Maybe I can sell my Specialized and buy a tank


HAHAHAHA!! You only need a drivers licence for that :P

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I get told I've had my request refused. Even though I have jewellery store and have had two violent armed robberies, my business partner was targeted at his house and hijacked, and after sending 53 pages of documents substantiating my request.


A bit of advice - Appeal, sounds like you have grounds for a firearm. Don’t give in , its exactly what they want.

Edited by FrankH
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Applied in march 2008. Received my competency a month or so back and just picked up the actual licence today. Wynberg CT SAPS are very good but the actual applications are dealt with in Pta. I had no problems securing my handgun licence for self defence. Seems like there is no consistency as my circs are the same as thousands of others. Be aware the licence and competency is only for five years and you have to renew at least 90 days before they expire.

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Be aware the licence and competency is only for five years and you have to renew at least 90 days before they expire.


Competency is valid for 10 years, firearm licenced for self defence ,5 years.

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I took up cycling cos I don't need to beg no man for permission to ride my bike.

I cycle instead of shooting, which is / was my first passion.

I ran a shooting club, shot every weekend, competed at provincial & national level.


But I refuse to lick the crack of some illiterate, ignorant, bad attitude, SOB in order to retain my licenses.

The stupid MoFo's don't even have the ability to differentiate between the various firearms, calibers & their uses.


It's like not knowing a MTB from a road bike, never mind soft vs. hard tail!!!!!


However, of late, what with bike jackings, road carnage, etc, etc. I've come to the conclusion that the ANC has achieved its ultimate goal of making this country ungovernable.


You cannot own anything, experience anything or participate in anything without first spending a fortune on security.

Then you spend a second fortune on insurance in case your security fails to prevent these lawless savages from robbing you at gun point.


And god help you if you use lethal force to protect yourself, cos then you will spend every cent you will ever earn, defending your actions.



Edited by zaslinger
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