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Everything posted by THE BODY CENTRE

  1. All CyclingPeak users ... can you also help me with the following, please. I would like to know the % of time you spend not pedalling. Please mention the % the time span of this figure (ie all dates, last 28 days, last season etc) and does this figure include one or more races with your powermeter Please PM me, or mail to rust AT iafrica DOT com if you don't want to post here. AND a big thank you for all the stats i have already received!Ronelle2008-03-23 08:47:36
  2. No. From the road. From an area where 'fresh' roadworks took place. But its not tar. Sticky yellow droplets on the frame. I'll send you a pic tomorrow
  3. Apologies for a mini hijack, but since this is also a 'cleaning' issue, i hope you don't mind too much! Johan .. what would be a safe and efficient way to get resin off the frame, without removing the paint at the same time?
  4. Thanks Michelle for yours! Now i only need ONE more!
  5. Might as well get to know all since i'll spend a lot of time on the 'trappies'. Who is the guy in Durbell kit?
  6. The Fog starting to close in: Hannachi, Stefan Ihlenfeldt, Ryan K
  7. Spotted at Killarney tonite ... Pedal doing her thing! The guy on the left nearly took Doepie in the sprint. Dunno who you are? Riccardo Stermin (Daikan) Travis W (CSC)
  8. Which implies that should this be the reason, it is quite trainable?
  9. Why would someone get dropped at the bottom of a climb, yet outclimb all towards the top? Insufficient anaerobic capacity? Or are there more reasons?
  10. All PM users out there: Can I ask you to send me a file where you did a L4 workout? I need at least 10 of these. Interval(s) of at least 15min or longer. Can be .csv or .wko Please state if your FTP is accurate to your knowledge Please state on what kind of terrain this was performed This is just for an interest of my own and will not be used (or abused!) in any other way. mail to rust@iafrica.com Please? Ronelle2007-09-14 05:33:07
  11. Along Misty Cliffs Johann van Zyl (U/16 winner. Placed 9th overall. Not bad going with restricted gears! Also SA and WP TT U/16 champ)
  12. mmmm.... I need a lot more practice at taking TT pics .. CLUB100 well represented Travis Wilkens (CSC/Marcello) finishes The final hot seat (throne!) occupied by Charles Keey (MTN) Uwe Schmidt and Lourens Calitz One can wax lyrical about the setting. Patrick Gaertner on the left And Charles receives his envelope. THANKS AUDI! Was great!Ronelle2007-09-09 10:48:00
  13. when you are racing - you have an even more effective fan on you!! the real thing! face the bad news Marius - you are in fact getting stronger
  14. With the fan on, your body doesnt have to expend additional energy to keep cool ... so you have all of that available for more power to the pedals
  15. you are wrong, i'm afraid Skye. (see a couple of posts up) But i can understand why you can mistake it for where that Taurus farm is in Irene .. the lush greenness!
  16. Got this pic from a friend who has never before taken an interest in cyclists. Thought i'll share it here. Isnt it just beautiful? The warning of the curve, the road disappearing to who knows where, the lone rider ... and the trees almost providing shelter. Ronelle2007-09-05 14:37:00
  17. CaptainDura - Google 'Morton's Neuroma' and see if you don't find your answer there? See the picture at the bottom of the page on this site, sounds as though this is the site of your pain? http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=233
  18. And just a couple from the TT today - Juniors. (Results still uncertain) Stefan Ihlenfeldt - 3 rd in RR yesterday James Tennant - new to us in WP ... but not after this weekend! You are a marked man now. He was 2nd in RR yesterday Dylan Keyter sporting his new TT helmet. Albertus. Thanks Bikemax for the wheels! A deciding moment -- Dylan, James and Albertus
  19. Pinnacle Point 3rd (SUBVets) Ronelle2007-09-02 09:09:52
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