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Everything posted by THE BODY CENTRE

  1. I have no experience of GraemeStreet, but think the warning to stay away from online coaches, is maybe a little bit of a sweeping observation. My experience of our local online coaches, specifically bruce and Bikemax, is exactly the opposite. They don't cost the earth and they add enormous value.
  2. eavesdrop!!! .. fascinating conversations behind the closed doors of Google! As long as you weren't peaking through the keyhole very funny!!
  3. eavesdrop!!! .. fascinating conversations behind the closed doors of Google!
  4. OK cool. And then you help me understand Pwr:HR metrics as it relates to SST data
  5. I can't make up my mind ... do we download the new software, or do we wait a while for the birth pangs to subside? I also want to know if the change is a necessary one, if one doesnt use the rTSS etcRonelle2008-01-07 11:10:00
  6. I was SO captivated by the bike .... that I never noticed the rider ....
  7. Aaah Bruce ... with friends like these ..!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- may this year be one of abundance for you!
  8. Ah Windbreaker - my suggestion is way simpler ... I think he just edited it out, at the same time he lined his 'problem area' in red. But lets take a guess .. think his TSS is around 400/420?
  9. I also want to know the answer to Jason's question. Can't figure it out?! Exactly 3 hours ...
  10. So its true! Real Texans don't cry! Hope you are as mobile after your op, TS!
  11. No, all those people are way down at The Point - everybody went for a drive and some ice cream - just to get out of the house, i presume! We were the only ones up on the Lighthouse - soaked, a few minutes after the pic was taken!
  12. Late on Christmas afternoon ... From the MosselBay lighthouse. The southern cape was WET!
  13. One receives so many hollow and 'generic' sms' on this day -- so that it is difficult to get the right words, so here just a simple thank you to all the avatars who became friends thru 2007 (poison ivy, nellie, joelow, azonic, dr watt, VO2max, WH, Coetzee, CarbonBoy etc), to all those who helped me find 'stuff' (averageguy, bruce, chrispy,hagar etc) and to those of you who 'ive never met, but appreciate for some reason or the other (jason, BMC Fan, holy roller, pantani etc etc) and especially to Bikemax for his amazing gift of relentless clear teaching! I consider myself rich because of you.Ronelle2007-12-25 12:06:30
  14. Hulle sou dit seker dikker aangemaak het as nellie ook daar was! A het nie gerace nie, lang ride gedoen - maar ja, die ander twee het!
  15. Hi Double R Certain people think I got no taste in shirts and so I was idly wondering on a slow day whether this one was a hit' date=' a miss or a who cares. .. and that innocent emoticon cuts no ice Del. [/quote'] ok, I get it now! JL IMO you can happily wear you shirt without too much introspection!
  16. JoeLow ... you'll have to explain to me what you're on about ... but if anything, I knew the kit would catch your attention. I spotted it a little too late ... so only managed to get this pic of MR MacSteel. He was prob just pondering his race strategy ..
  17. Visitors from far away! The line up for the 55km MTB race And the 40km RoadRace. The Rall twins from GraaffReinet on the right And even some Eastons spotted!
  18. So there was a race in GrootBrak this morning! Interesting bikes lurk in small villages it seems! This one belongs to one dedicated dad! And his stoker in action! This bike probably does one ride a year .. in Grootbrak!
  19. Thanks AVERAGEGUY for being far more than what your nick suggests ... and for sending me EXACTLY what I needed. No charge! Not average in my books! THANK YOU!!
  20. Women just dont get it. now is good time to choose your words very carefully (But ... I, along with BigB's wife, don't get it! At all! )
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