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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. Please explain further, I think im stupid.
  2. Please explain 2 thingts for me. What is the "bump" thing all about and secondly how does one move up in the hub "rankings" to say a champion hubber?
  3. Would anyone be interested in getting a bunch of people together to do a bike service and maintanence course in the Durban area. I would need to get a group of 8 - 10 people together.
  4. Does anyone have a LBS near them that is worth trying or are pretty competitive on their prices?
  5. How is ordering from CRC more time and effort then calling around all your LBS, and possibly checking other online stores. When all along CRC was still gonna be miles cheaper. I would love to be able to just walk into my LBS and buy from them. But with funds limited(the wife) I need all the savings I can get, but the LBS's still are not really playing ball.
  6. Ive looked around at all the online stores from South Africa and still CRC cant be beat and most of LBs are not even prepared to compete with the prices CRC is offering(granted they are having a sale). Just in the two parts im looking for at the moment im saving R1k, so can afford to get something else as we. At the moment im looking for Shimano XTR front and rear mechs, and possibly pedals as well.
  7. Im looking at rebuilding up my old GT hardtail bike, So its gonna be a bit of everything I guess. Its gonna be buying new parts for my other bike then transferring the old parts too the GT hardtail. Ive checked out CWC and Solomons as well. Just looking to support local for once if I can otherwise its back to CRC. Are there not any independent people selling parts at all.
  8. Is there anyone local(LBS or online store)that will match or come close to matching CRC prices. I would prefer to support local if possible, as long as the prices are reasonable. Im looking at any parts.
  9. When are we all stopping together? I need a smoke now, doh.
  10. We just need to embrace everyone and all their vices. The more you force people the more the will rebel, its human nature.
  11. I wouldnt say that would be the same for everyone though. Would it?
  12. Ill be up for that for sure - why the 25th though? Im sure my lungs, wife and my pocket will love the idea.
  13. Just been out for 3 months with bronchitis and flu. Only got back on the bike over the last weekend. Thanks god for the Hub for keeping me sane.
  14. Thats what I was thinking too, does this mean a complete upgrade of shifters then as well?
  15. Hi all, can anyone help. I have my old hardtail GT avalanche/aggressor 0.5 that I want to do up again. Is it possible to take the parts off my current 27speed onto a 24 speed set up(only the front and rear mechs) Is this possible?
  16. I too ride alone, not all the time though. Sometimes its difficult too organise your life around other people to do group rides. I can then ride at my own pace, stop when I want etc etc. I carry a pepper spray in case, not sure if it will come in handy on a trail if a person has a weapon( I have used it before on the road). I refuse to be made to feel threatened while by myself. Just use good judgment and no unfamiliar places.
  17. I think he may be referring to Tony the Tiger
  18. Ive read a very similar sounding story, but this time with a mountain lion. A woman was left behind a bit in a group and the people ahead must have scared the animal or something but she got taken off her bike by the lion. So what have we all learnt today? Dont leave anyone behind in a group men or woman, especially woman.
  19. Love the rabbit, where can I get one from? Also did it teach itself to balance the biscuits on its head?
  20. Enough of the blame game, hopefully she is safe and sound now?
  21. Has anyone ever seen, heard or tried one of these devices out? Its supposed to do what it says(from a source lets say), but is it worth the R450?
  22. It seems if I do the transaction as if im in the UK the price was the same as advertised. Free postage within the UK as well.
  23. Mmmmm. what to do, what to do. Thanks for all the feedback.
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