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Posts posted by mrmed

  1. On 5/1/2022 at 5:20 PM, buckstopper said:

    The decent on a gravel bike was very tough. Cars on the pass made it even more dangerous. On the second switchback descent about 160k in a guy opened his car door to pick up some litter on a 8% descent. I was about 100m away. 2 seconds earlier and I was a goner. "Caution Cyclists" signs needed on both sides of the pass. Most of the motorists seemed oblivious...

    My lack of skills (and practice) showed me up on every downhill. A race to keep everyone honest.

  2. What an amazing experience. Totally, totally awesome.


    I can't begin to put in words how great this race was. Superb route, fantastic organisation and awesome people.


    I've done Epic, a couple of Ironman and 70.3 events, Comrades, etc, but nothing comes close to the experience I've had this last week.


    This race should be a must do on everyones calender. And I need to tell you, the Sani2C days aren't the best days, day 4 is a cracker!


    Book for 2013 now!

  3. Any idea as to what sort of bike this is?




    He normally rides with his son on the front, but I think conditions were to horrific for him to try. I saw him running whilst pushing his son, later in the evening,

  4. Congrats to all the guys and girls that finished in yesterdays crazy conditions.

    @mrmed,are you still doing Comrades?


    The short answer is yes. The long answer is I'm riding Joburg2c this / next week, then I'm going to see if my knee niggle settles down before I make a final decisions, but I'm 99 % sure it will be ok.

  5. Well done to anyone who competed yesterday to persist and finish in those conditions says alot about your character


    I stood in the cold from 5 am yesterday morning till my last mate finished at about 10 last night and i am stuffed today


    Its guys and girls like you that make IM the event it is. Thank you so much.

  6. Well that was brutal.


    I've never been so slowly down a hill, peddalling really hard. It was even really difficult to go quickly with the wind behind you because of side gusts as the vegitation changed.


    The swim was very choppy on the second lap, but manageable, although I must have drunk half the Indian Ocean.


    The run was fine, just cold, but as I ran between buildings and the wind hit me, my legs would get tangled with each other as the leg in the air would hit the other leg.


    All that training for a PB and I went 4 minutes slower :(

  7. If it was just for fun he would be age grouper but he has entered as a PRO.


    He can only enter as a PRO. You can't change from being a PRO to being an age grouper from race to race.

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