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American Flyers

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Posts posted by American Flyers

  1. I agree that we need to have disc licences on our bikes like old days. If the bicycle worth R1000, licence is R50/yr.

    If the bicycle worth R50 000, licence is R100/yr.

    It is difficult for cops to fine the riders for disobeying the rules. That is why we need licences.. If they don't carry licences, the cops take away the bicycles, until you renew licences...


    I saw lots of riders jumping thru red robots, swearing at drivers, blocking the roads, carrying no helmets, arrogants etc...

    I feel that causes drivers to be angry and don't care about them, until too late...

  2. Why don't PPA organise a form or website for us / league riders to fill in to see what we want from PPA???


    We don't want same route year after year... Getting bored! We need more longer rides like One Tonner, Double Century (getting so popular)


    MTB stages are so popular, so why can't they do same for road races.. Find a good town with camping ground and have 2-5 days races..


    We can have 3 laps over Red Hill = 90km in south suburb....


    I am thinking of hanging up my bicycle and retire.... because nothing changed.....

  3. Can't believe that we are on page 49... We all need answers:

    1) Any comments from Kevin Evans (Is he hiding away or what?)

    2) Where did David George get EPO?

    3) Why did CSA ban or investigate him a while back, when he was kicked out of Barloworld?

    4) Are all SA pro taking drugs or not? Look at George, Hoffmann, Fouche, Lund?, Ownie?

  4. I find it is a bit scary for bus or trucks to pass you on small bend of road because the drivers think they pass you well enough space, but at the back of truck or bus comes closer to you on the bends. If it happens, I try to jump on pavements or just squeeze thru.

    I feel the drivers of bus or trucks, should think and know size of vehicle....

    Example:- Give those drivers a bicycle and show them what it feels like on the bend when truck or bus come past...

  5. I find it is so frustrating about trailers and I struggled to find that suits me. Lots of trailers lid is so hard to remove for gardening or moving furnitures...

    Can someone tell me which trailer to buy, that have bike racks, flip open back bonnet and easy to remove the lid, also don't rust that easily....?

  6. I don't understand dopers, because when they win the races and they showed off and thanked God for the win, but they are actually cheated..... Cheat vs God ???


    I actually believed Lance did dop, but he was smart and clever to do in limits....


    I feel they must ban for life, if cheat once and no feed back.... Enough enough...


    Ask Tyler how to supply dop to South Africa... Ha! ha! I need to improve my ranking...

  7. I had tried both and it is difficult to decide which works for you:-


    Rear - bad - get dirty, difficult to get to boot.

    Rear - good - saves petrol on long trips, can carry 3/4 bikes


    Top - bad - heavy on petrol, car get dirty, if not clean bike after ride, sometimes heavy to lift up bike, sometimes you bump branches, if you forget, can't just park in garage or carport, have to offload before park.

    Top - good - easy to get to boot, out of the way


    Up to u. I prefer rear one...

  8. Oh no! I know Bridgecycles have very good price for entry level bicycles, but the parts are not that cheap compare to other bike shops.

    I don't like their workshop because it is so untidy and tools are lying all over the places.


    My best mechanic is Lance from Epic Cycles

    My best price for clothing is Anatomic Shop at Northgate

    My best accessories shop is "Revelation" Thule Shop at town

    My best bike parts shop is Cyclelab or Olympic Cycles

    My best helper in bike shop is Mac from Cyclelab

  9. I have ordered from them for few times, it takes +-5 weeks to get here.

    I have to collect them from POS at Epping, where I have to pay customs and taxes.


    For an example:- I pay R450 for magic light + 18% taxes & customs = R531

    in SA you can get cheapest good price for R900, so you save R370.

    Up to you, if you are prepared to wait.....

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