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Posts posted by MDW

  1. On LCHF, you need sodium. Much more than normal. I suffered massively before I started to supplement with Sodium. I take much more salt in my normal meals, but also take stuff on the bike. I tend to use dry wors or salted nuts, but I'm looking for another source of sodium (Salty water is not cool), which doesn't contain all the extra protein...

    Hi Dom this is a yes and a no :-) sodium intake needs consideration based on certain things. I have been LCHF for many many years and my sodium doesn't need to be increased significantly if U are water training. Sweat is hypotonic meaning you lose more fluid than sodium. The problem is that when U drink a fair amount of fluid in water terms only U tend to dilute your electrolyte levels and only then the sodium would be needed to try to prevent dilution. However if you manage your fluid intake properly or: cool from outside not from inside, you will not battle at all. Once you start taking in sodium you are playing with a fine balance and it can cause issues you need to be very exact about intake, loss and water balance. While in the Middle East last year in their summer I was easily doing 150-180km rides on water only at a fair pace in heat I would finish my rides slightly dehydrated but still very strong at the finish no large amount of fluid consumption at all and zero sodium. Each individual is unique though and needs to find what works for him. On LCHF just as a matter of interest I use carbohydrate periodization due to my volume of training, timing of intake still keeps my ketone levels pretty high if done correctly and this is done done mainly during or post exercise, depending on time and intensity. I work closely with Jodie Swallow & James on their nutritional needs and Jodie does require a fair amount of salt when racing in Kona due to the hot and humid climate and her fluid intake. In 2013 she blacked out with hyponatreamia but in 2014 she upped her sodium intake significantly with her large volume of fluid intake and managed a 4th place. She found the right formula for her needs. I have developed a specific product based on her needs called a Salt Drop its an explode tab just dropped in a water bottle and provides the necessary electrolyte mix sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and Vit D. It's coming to market shortly and will address the individuals needs.

    Hope this helps

  2. Maybe not eating enough? I pre-hydrate (like you do), have a banana / bar before the race, eat something at 45min, 1:30 and 2:30-ish. Argus was Banana before start, bar at 45min, bar at 1:30, banana somewhere between chappies and suikerbossie, and that was it. I rode on one bottle of 32Gi (well, still had left over), and emptied my water bottle going through Hout Bay (to reduce weight for the climb up suikerbossie).


    Tank was empty after chasing down suikerbossie, but that is due to training (or the lack thereof).


    But definitely look at your frame size first. I tried riding my wife's bike while waiting for my replacement frame, and it killed me.

    If you really want a product that will assist with cramping the new 32Gi TruMag is brilliant, its received a US patent and works very well, tested for 2 years with elite athletes in the US and locally.

    To really reduce the risk of cramping though, proper training is in order because the main reason for onset is lack of dominant muscle to intensity over distance :-)

  3. Why is it superior? Because it costs more? because the one is sugar and the other some fancy schmancy word?? I am not trying to flame you here but I cannot say I have had the same experience...game is cheap and chips, readily available at your corner cafe and comes in very handy packaging that allows you to mix 1L worth of drink. An the kicker is that I cannot tell the difference between it and the fancypants mixes. I can however tell the differences when I have been off the bike for a while or been lazy with my training which leads me to believe that the size / state of the engine is much more important than the petrol you put in.



    Well that is what I was told when I used 32GI and bonked like a little girl. I asked about it and it was suggested that I should follow a low GI diet for 32GI to be effective as an energy source. Couldn't be bothered since its too much admin to follow such a diet and made 32GI drinks for a landscape engineer from then on until the tub ran out....he liked it though

    Isomaltulose is an expensive carbohydrate which behaves like no other carbohydrate does. It provides a stable and consistent release of glucose into the blood stream for hours. There is no ways sucrose will ever do that. They behave completely differently. In actual fact there is no other carbohydrate on the market that will allow the body to burn fat while supplying it glucose. The steady stable supply of energy allows a consistent fat burn to take place assuming its not mixed with spiking products. That is the only reason not to mix it, its to maximise the fat burning effect, which at a controlled pace works incredibly well.


    I am not sure who told u to follow a low GI diet on 32Gi, because some of the 32Gi products give you a glucose bomb like Accelerate and others are stability products. The key message behind the range is choose the product that matches your training or racing session. If you are doing a training ride and its only a few hours and easy then go with the Endure, if its many hours at a slow pace go with Endure in the bottle and take with some food solids such as a foodbar or chews, if its a very high intensity session then go with Accelerate and its a very high intensity session and you need additional calories then add in some food solids.

    The thing sports nutrition is that its not a thumb suck, its a well thought out and strategised nutrition plan which needs to be tailored to an individual. I work with many professional and amateur athletes, guiding them to correct eating and fuelling, the majority of people out there just dont understand the importance or even how to approach it.

    Game vs 32Gi seriously there is not comparison whatsoever. The one is a liability the other an asset ;-)

  4. I agree, fasted low intensity training will also condition the body for efficiency. Elite athletes are much better at glycogen preservation and training correct also increases glycogen stores. I was referring to normal CHO intake (+/-40gr) per hour at race pace. I'm sure slower athletes will not have the same result. Fat burning is the way to go!

    Jarred, actually while u are here, interesting question as u work with the guys a fair amount. What do u find the average CHO intake per an hour in a race is with the elites, you mention 40grams, The likes of Asker due to 2:1 F:G ratio have shown as much as up to 90grams. However in my experience and the testing I have done with elites mainly in triathlon and cycling, is that most only tolerate around up to 55grams many around 40-45mark. They can consume more but the digestive system just responds very negatively to the higher amounts.

    My runners are under 40grams many around the 30gram mark. Just interested if u have come across similar.

  5. Yes, but as far as I am aware, training with low glycogen/carbohydrate won't increase you bodies ability to oxidize FFA any more than training with high glycogen/carbohydrate.

    If you are talking natural carb stores ie: glycogen agreed, however if you are consuming water as opposed to CHO solution you will burn off far more fat of course.

    However that is for training not for racing. Racing is a different ball game, but training in this manner can make u more fat efficient. I generally advise people who are wanting to become more fat efficient to stick to water for up to 2hr sessions, to improve fat usage efficiency. However on 3-6hr rides thats a different ball game. So what do u do to maximise it there, keep the first two hours water fuelled then start the feed, your body will have adapted to higher fat usage first and so when the carb feed comes in you will still burn off a fair amount more due to u being the zone. As a matter of interest I have been doing this for many years. I can easily get up drink green tea and go at a low intensity for 5-6hrs on the bike on water alone no issues at all. I wont race like that obviously.

    The 32Gi endure actually allows a person to still take advantage of fat store tapping as the blood glucose rise is perfect for that ability. But on a LSD session taking in excessive sugar is just a waste of money and no health benefit.

  6. I think another important factor which a lot of cyclists overlook is the time spent racing. If a race is going to be 3.5-4hrs as opposed to 2.5hrs different fuelling strategies need to be considered. If you know you are going to possibly hit a glycogen depleted state then prepare for it, sometimes pace needs to be controlled and appropriate consumption needs to be well thought out and timed to ensure u finish strong. Unfortunately peleton racing is often determined by the bunch and not the individual. But proper thought into where you can lower your pace and assist in glycogen sparing needs to be taken into account. In an Ironman event it applies even more pace is controlled to empower the run, it's very often key in ensuring a strong finish. Again though some athletes are weak on the run and strong on the bike so they burn up the bike only to fall flat on the run. Proper fuelling and wise pacing is crucial to a good finish.

  7. There is no spike during exercise. Even if you're a fat burner and not a carb burner you will hit the wall when glycogen is depleted.

    On the spike during exercise I disagree. There can certainly be one depending on the intensity you are performing at and the type of CHO ingestion. I have spent many years running blood tests on athletes during exercise and monitoring the effects of CHO intake dependent on rate of performance. Many cyclists as an example who are riding at a much lower intensity, social ride, or take it easy just finish ride often consume products which do cause a rapid rise in blood glucose and the intensity they are performing at doesn't warrant that kind of consumption.The second thing is if they keep consuming through and through, when the session is finished there will be an excess of blood sugar in the system which the body is still trying to get rid of and if the consumption volume wasn't warranted based on performance you can be sure the side effects are pendulum swinging and weight gain for many.

    There are many various degrees of blood sugar rise during exercise depending on type of CHO consumed and effort.

  8. There is no spike during exercise. Even if you're a fat burner and not a carb burner you will hit the wall when glycogen is depleted.

    Agreed BUT Actually there is a major difference ;-) if you are a carbohydrate dependent athlete then hitting the wall has meaning as opposed to the athlete that is more fat adapted. When the body is depleted of glycogen the brain will force the body to slow down in order to be able to take advantage of fat for fuel and this is an incredibly hard or tough period of no energy at all where the "hitting the wall" has large meaning for most. But if you are a very efficient fat fuelling athlete the transition is no where near as painful as a carbohydrate dependent person. In actual fact if you speak to athletes who are very efficient at fat fuelling, they will tell you that the transition is pretty seamless they don't feel the pain, and if you speak to a fat efficient athlete who eats a lower carb diet they will also tell you they cannot remember when they hit the wall last. Intimately this is something I have played with immensely over the past 9 years and deal on a nutrition basis with a lot of my clients moving away from that carb dependency allowing them to be more fat efficient and focussing on timing with carb intake. The same results occurs after adaption, but it continues to improve over time.

    So agreed 100% all athletes will run out of glycogen at some stage depending on time intensity and fuel, but the athlete that is more fat efficient doesn't feel the pain as much as those that are more carb dependent :-)

  9. Ahhh ok


    To honest, apparently you need to follow a low gi diet, for 32GI to work.....which is not going to happen. Its just too much admin for me.


    I might just stick to game from now on also since I am getting the same results. Will still have a recovery shake every now and again after a big ride.

    Not true ;-) thats a myth low GI dieting or LCHF dieting has far more benefit outside of a fuelling strategy

  10. Make sure your glycogen stores are full by having some carbs. Protein is not fuel and you have enough fat. Fully fuelled you should be able to race for 90-120 mins. Depletion starts immediately so make sure you replenish when doing longer races.

    One problem if you have glucose spiking drink you will not tap your fat stores it mitigates it, so the thing is to understand how u are going to race for how long, the intensity and then you work your fuelling strategy around that. If you are a carbohydrate dependent person then when glycogen stores deplete you will be forced to switch to fat, the transition is painful to say the least. If you are more fat adapted its far more transparent. Time and intensity will determine your feed.

  11. I really like 32GI but the lack of information on there website on my specific needs for long endurance races is zero. I have send them two e-mails to find out if my understanding of fueling on a half ironman and full ironman with 32gi products are correct but no responds. It is a pity because I still think it is a good product. Anyone fueling on Hammer because I think I'm going with them from now on? There website has so much information and very specific to endurance and ironman racing.

    Hi All


    Just so you know any information you need I can respond directly we have an info@32Gi.com account we respond to everyone.

    I have been working for the past 4 months on a really incredible knowledge base and it will soon be uploaded to a new and improved website, with FAQ's the whole deal.

    In the mean time feel free to check out our facebook note site https://www.facebook.com/32GiKeepGoing/notes we have a lot of information there as well as on my personal blog http://wolffmark.wordpress.com/

    Any questions you have feel free to contact me :-)

    I am not often on the hub so cannot always respond promptly to requests on this forum unfortunately.


    all the best


  12. Want to find out what energy product hubbers use.


    I know its what works for u, but i only know USN Cyto Powder and Epic Pro.. I cant use vooma as its spike me and then im lying on the floor. And i dont know if usn works for me


    Now people is recomending 32GI or Biogen and FIT.


    I cant use anything thats spikes, what is the best product?

    for non-spiking there is only 1 = 32Gi ;-)

  13. Hi All


    Just form 32Gi's point of view we were the official nutrition sponsors of the event for the 2012 series and went our separate ways after the 3rd event. We really would have liked to have continued however it was not to be. We are still very committed to the triathlon events and are currently sponsoring all of the BSG series including the Ultra's as well as 11 Global and the Suncoats Multisport series :-)

    all the best


  14. Thanks for all that info MDW, and all you other guys with helpful ideas.


    Now I wonder, why can't I just buy whey and mix it with 32Gi to get a good protein/carb mix? That way you can decide your own ratio? Alternatively you can add l-glutamine if you find in necessary?

    You would want a carbohydrate that provides a higher insulin spike than 32Gi :-). Also remember the type of carb and protein will determine the recovery periods energy levels. Anything that provides to low a insulin spike for immediately after a training session will not be very beneficial, if its too high the same.

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