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Everything posted by OVERDRIVE

  1. he just needs to pace and hold on. It will be brutal but hell make it
  2. I'm here. Best part for me: Better not sleep on that descent ????
  3. I have been trying to find a way to put this as politely as you have. Chap is totally nowhere.
  4. She looks ready to ROLL on the gram. Looking forward to the Olympics-if Loana's luck is anything like her national soccer team ????
  5. I'm heartbroken. Here is the OTL list
  6. Actually, any easy trails in Pretoria for a recovery ride? Haven't been to Modderfontien, not really looking forward to be dive bombed by bids like I'm in Jurassic Park...
  7. Why wasn't Candice racing either race? Anyone know.
  8. But for sure Alan will have something to say at the Olympics, which is good
  9. Man its slippery in the forest! No sign of our ladies though.
  10. There is something fishy about this story. I think they tried to curve the one lady and she called Judge Zondo and then she got called back to save face.
  11. https://www.pinkbike.com/news/chloe-woodruff-resigns-from-olympic-team-replaced-by-erin-huck.html Lets hope Mariske doesn't get any ideas. Lol
  12. Barring MvdP that's the Gold right there
  13. man those two races were on the LIMIT
  14. If you haven't seen this take a look. Ps. if this has already been posted apologies.
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