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Everything posted by OVERDRIVE

  1. Christo, send the story to me, Ill dramatize it and repost nobody will know its you. Even I'm hungry for the detail! Jokes, happy you got it back mate.
  2. More choice is better, but there are too many brands in that 100k for a bike space. And Spez rules that side of the river anyway, shame they didn't want to fight
  3. Those screen grabs make it even worse
  4. And then there's this: Olympic Champion Criticizes Rival for 'Stupid Move' - Pinkbike
  5. Done with the race, real awesome riding by Jolanda. Had it totally hooked from the get no questions, not sure what Pauline was doing when she got passed but I've realized in life and racing it is what it us. Am sure Nino was jealous watching and proud at the same time. Loana never got going, and I hate to be nasty but I think she went a little Dutch (overconfident) having hit everyone four races in a row and wasn't considering loosing. But she will be back, and back hard. I did ask about the ramp yesterday and I really think its stupid. Everyone there is a professional. Nobody needs the ramp for practice, you go and look and do the best, and if you cant get it then too bad. But, hey. Been scrolling and nobody speaking of Candice's performance, so I'll walk away too...:)
  6. DSTV being stupd again, they said 1925 and changed their minds. Here you go Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 – MTB XCO [FULL RACE] (ladies) – Tiz-Cycling
  7. Olympic Games Tokyo 2021 – MTB XCO [FULL RACE] – Tiz-Cycling Only 480p unless you can wait for DSTV
  8. Been ignoring all news and social media to watch that race. Respect to Tom firstly, and the man is a beast. We'll never know what we don't know, but no guarantees MVDP would have caught him anyway. Based on form alone, Matias was best placed to see him and he also didn't. I have a few questions. If we were never going to use the ramp why was it there in the first place. Different sports I know, but MotoGP/F1 do not place certain obstacles for whatever reason and remove them on the day. It is, what it is. Why put it on? Surely Dutch communication is at an all time low, but as you clearly said, they "figured". Pretty sure a drop like that was NB to make sure everyone on the same page. Really disappointing the way that ended. Nino battled, just the end of an era? Alan did good! Rant over.
  9. Wish they had the gradient on screen
  10. Thanks for this. MTB I will do live and the road races on repeat. Triathlon am missing
  11. I am a massive fan of droppers. Massive. Will never ride WITHOUT one again, I slow down when I don't use it. Like cleats, everyone was afraid, but after a few falls cant do without THEM.
  12. Looking for a place to ride MTB in lenasia any safe ideas please
  13. https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/hardtail-mountain-bikes/482555/2019-s-works-epic-hardtail Seems another exists...
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