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  1. Unfortunately as far as reviews are concerned a line has to be drawn somewhere. You'll find our policy is similar to many other platforms. As others have noted, if it's left totally open there's far too much room for abuse and subjectivity... and then the whole thing falls apart. We have considered other means to encourage & highlight positive behaviour. And, would welcome any fresh ideas. For example, those who respond to messages within X number of hours/days get a "Responds quickly" badge. That doesn't solve for the time wasters, but at least surfaces those who are unlikely to waste time.
  2. This is incorrect. Yes, technically possible to post a review but it’s against our Review policy: https://help.bikehub.co.za/en/articles/5778178-user-review-policy Reviews may only be added where a sale happened or a firm agreement was in place As per our Terms of service: User reviews should only be submitted where an agreement to transact exists or a transaction was concluded on Bike Hub. We reserve the right to remove feedback that relates to negotiations or communications where there was no agreement and/or a transaction did not take place or relates to a transaction not initiated via Bike Hub. In short, if a sale wasn't concluded or there was no agreement to sell in place you should not be posting a review. If this cannot be verified we may prevent you from posting a review or remove a review.
  3. Ok great. Glad it's resolved. I suspect you had some old bookmarks that were redirecting in unexpected ways.
  4. Not seeing this ourselves and no other reports. This can happen due to caching issues in your browser. Could you try in an incognito tab or clear out cache in either browser?
  5. We had an issue with it on Tuesday that was resolved, but if still not working on your end please try a full page refresh: Windows: Hold down Ctrl and press F5 Mac: Hold down the ⌘ Command and ⇧ Shift key and then press R Or clear browser cache.
  6. Apologies for the intermittent issues on the forums today. We've made a few updates to improve stability and are investigating the cause.
  7. As Nick pointed to, where it's not an outright fake (i.e. using the same name and logo) it becomes a slippery slope. He'd be more qualified to explain the legal nuances having been in IP law prior to committing to a life in the bike industry. My understanding is that the design is far more difficult to protect vs the trademarks. So brand may fight and win in court on design grounds, then that thing would be illegal and fall foul of our policies. But without a court ruling or direction from the brand, we apply reasonability as @Nick outlined. If a consumer may reasonably be fooled we’d not allow the listing.
  8. To remind folks, our policy on counterfeits is quite straight forward: 5.8. Counterfeit or illegal products. You may not list any counterfeit or illegal products for sale. If we find that you posted any counterfeit or illegal goods, we will suspend or terminate your account. https://help.bikehub.co.za/en/articles/4656778-terms-of-service
  9. We've removed one such sellers listings this morning thanks to a report and have reached out to SRAM for clarification. The packaging all looks quite legitimate, but here's a video that shares some insights. But the short of it is that it's tough to tell without having the product in hand.
  10. Hi, It’s most likely this is a scam rather than a stolen bike. That photo looks familiar - I suspect this scammer has stolen the picture from a legitimate seller.
  11. See above, the spiky graph had errors - data points out of sort with the labels. No change to the trend but the spikes smooth out considerably into a downhill with some seasonal uptick each Q1.
  12. Well this is awkward. The data and labels on this graph were incorrectly assigned (serves me right for leaning on AI to do the grunt work of creating pretty JS versions of our ugly charts). The true picture is FAR less spiky:
  13. Added to the report. Hardtail demand appeared to bottom out in Q2 last year and is on the rise again:
  14. I have emailed the OP to ensure they're aware & can make contact (only details they have supplied). 🤞
  15. You're quite right that it's possible a buyer does some joyriding or damages an item somehow and then wants to return it. It's a risk that we identified on launching the service and I think have discussed somewhere on the forums. Thankfully in over 3,700 completed deals it's behaviour we've yet to encounter. Not to say that it can't happen or won't in time/with scale. There are some aspects of Bike Hub Pay that help to guard against this: Return shipping costs are the buyer's responsibility Bike Hub holds the funds and in the case of a dispute that we're unable to resolve we'd refer the matter to the small claims court or arbitration. i.e. the joyriding buyer is going to be minus their money until the matter is resolved. See above, I suspect the money being held in Bike Hub Pay's case helps to deter such behaviour vs. a car demo that I'm guessing is without any kind of deposit, etc.?
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