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  1. This one is on my shopping list. Slight more powerful at 440w
  2. Not sure if this has been covered. Can a 3 phase power tool be used on single phase?
  3. So have been busy for couple of weeks. Had some old veneer sheets lying around......
  4. Well you’ve got 3 weeks forced leave coming up......????
  5. Birthday present for the grandchildren
  6. Driver probably couldn’t handle the cyclist beating him to the robot????????
  7. So finally got it finished. Used woodoc 10 and woodoc furniture wax
  8. I need to replace my old cordless drills. Hence my question relating to metabo. Looking at the Bosch blue range, but metabos 3 year battery warranty is very good
  9. While the subject is on power tools, what about Metabo?
  10. Just finished a side table. Still need to get some oil to treat it
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