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Leg breaker

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    Western Cape
  1. Thank you for the reply Thats what i thought, but i have heard about pro teams using the LCHF approach to race better and lower there body fats. I'm 19 and see my other team mates/friends eating junk food/coke all day long. I only eat whole foods\ salads and have never touched a fizzy drink in years, but i still weight much more than them. I don't eat gluten which helps a lot. LCHF is defiantly the way to go, but a drop in performance for 4- 8 weeks is not something i want to experience again. Once you are fat adapted are you able to race at high intensities or is LCHF better for more endurance events ?
  2. Thanks for the reply, I defiantly understand that LCHF is not a diet. Its a lifestyle, when i was living by it for around 4 weeks i felt amazing off the bike, i weighed my goal weight. I was never bloated and was very happy. When i did intervals i struggled to reach the power outputs i usually could and i was not recovery from sessions. I had to have a major operation on my face, and i started eating carbs while i was recovering. I put back on a lot of weight and i still have most of it now. I don't have a 6% BF now, that is my goal. I'm probably around 11% or more even The only problem with becoming fat adapted is that i takes time and i race weekly and train throughout the year. Which is why i wanted to know if there was a known way of using LCHF to shed some weight ( A side effect of banting) but return to carbs.
  3. Hey I don't know too much about this topic, i have gone LCHF previously, but i stopped due to a drop in my racing and training performance. I'm struggling to get down to 64kg (6% BF) , i'm on 68kg (maybe more) and need some help to get there. My question is - Is it possible to use the LCHF lifestyle for a period of time ( lets say 8 weeks ) Then return to a normal balanced diet ? Will the weight automatically return ? Note - I race once to twice a week, training between 16-26hours a week right now, and would probably want to avoid changing my on the bike nutrition and pre race nutrition. Thanks
  4. Wil it still be a timed race ? Do we start in our seeded groups like normal ? Can we go around twice ? I don't see any reason why people are complaining about this, we should be fortunate.
  5. It wasn't a cyclist, it was a car driver who got out of their car to chase after their bird that got out. Thanks for posting a link to my instagram profile
  6. Awesome race !! Loved the route, but from $, the bunch was way too big !! Anyone know who won and what there time was ?
  7. Agreed, but if everyone was smart and stayed at the front... Don't need to explain, just be happy for not everyone staying at the front
  8. Mine, Weighing in at exactly 7kg, with the heavy seat post,seat and pedals. With racing wheels its illegal Loving it !
  9. When i pass someone i hope that they don't try to greet me, this way i don't have to make any social confrontation with them.
  10. You guys on strava ? So we can judge your times and stuff ?? Just kidding, but on a serious note. I do those hills around that time once or twice a week, i follow a program so days change.
  11. Thats loads of time to train !! Many elite riders manage 1 hour sessions a day during the week on the IDT then one 3 hour ride on the weekend. During exams i spent 1-2 hours on the IDT a day even in the best weather so i had more time to study, and i could do more intense sessions. Intervals recover intervals recover, thats all you need.
  12. I'm not sure if i am. I feel defiantly much stronger now. Cool speak Saturday
  13. My seeding is C now. You think i should enter ?
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