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Everything posted by JTK

  1. already busy with the stripping. taking a long time due to the cold. I see the RemoveAll works best between 20 and 30 degrees. Just not getting there in CPT atm. already on my 3rd day Will post some pics.
  2. Boet it was just a question. Nothing more. I enjoy both my bikes. Genade!
  3. Thanks. This was more like an answer I was hoping for. Thought it may be maintenance related.
  4. OK, so here is my question. Keep in mind I am a noob in mountain biking. And my observation is based on what I see, and I have been told I am observant, so please bear with me. It is my opinion that it seems that mountain bike races and trails have become less and less hardcore/technical and more endurance/smooth/corss-coutry affairs. This appears to be that the races suite to a lesser lesser extend 26 inch especialy FS bikes and more 29er hard tails. My question if my observation is correct. Did we create a 29er market or are we changing the environment to be more friendly to what the latest craze is? Or am I completly missing the point? ps: I own a trance (obviously 26er) and sooped up talon 29er. I can see the benifit of a 29er expecialy messing around town and with my kid but I cannot see / nor experience it being as comfy on the mountain not as nimble as the trance.
  5. 1.77m. Large TranceX and Large 29er Talon. To big stock but with shorter stems (50 on the 29'er and 70 on the trance) they feel just right. But hey. I am still new. Realise they are maybe to big but I am getting used them...
  6. awesome! Most of us sit with rigs costing many tens of thousands while we dont always realise the banger, we sometimes wont even give a second look to, is the pride, joy and life of someone else. That said I love the tinfoil as well Wonder how well it will go with a full susser though
  7. maybe I will take some pics of the project for a new thread.
  8. I must say I keep coming back to this thread to look at Badash. I may have to sell a steyr to fund a frame! I think it is beautiful to say the least.
  9. gonna try the paintstripper route but dont hold that much hope for the nooks and crannies in the triangle.
  10. JTK

    BB weight?

    rofl! luv it I for one ditched the tyres and saved over a KG. Sure the hoops wear out but you replace tyres as wel anywaysl. You may as well replace the hoop. And think of it. no flats. win / win. No need for stans. It saved me a bucket load. Dont need to take with bombs or a pump. Not that the pump bracket fits now that I have cut my bottle cage bolts to optimum lenght. Also took out my seat post and mounted the rear derailer there. Now I sit lower to go faster and lift my butt when I need to change down. Very intuative as you almost feel like standing and pedaling when going uphil. This made me realise I dont need the right side of my handle bar so I chopped it off. Tell you those cannodale guys know what they are talking abou twith lefties. saved a good 50grams...
  11. Am sure an enginering shop can machine one for you for half that price?
  12. Thanks Divernick. sounds like it will take a looooong time I would pay a good blaster a few bob to do it, if I can find him. I have worked with painstripper before. Hate the stuff. Almost lost an eye.
  13. I fully understand the staying away from sand as blasting media. It is way to agressive. But tried phoning a "bigish" bike shop close by and asked about contacts for medai balsting and was told. "dunno, also looking for someone" and thought maybe I will try my luck here... I would like to find the right place first rather than on my 3rd frame I think the powder coating is less of an issue. was quoted around R250 for a frame which seems reasonable...
  14. Risking asking a stupid question. SWTCraigMachine, did you get sorted with the blasting in Cpt. Wanting to do an old Anthem frame for my son. Factory powdercoat chipped all over the place . An old Anthem team frame so I want to keep the colours and have decals made to replace those that will be lost. Anyone have a call on a place that will do the decals in CPT?
  15. Must say cycling with my 10y old is one of my fav passtimes as well.
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