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Everything posted by Niel1

  1. Hi there! Put the link for the thread here so that we can follow and comment! Thanx
  2. Hi Let's Ride! If you want to try it out some time, you can give me a shout! Our club founder, Jaco Scholtz, has a few bikes that you can rent! He will take you for a session or 2 on the track. Just to start out you know. Don't want to buy a bike before you rode on the track to get the hang of it! But i'ts a real nice sport!! I started out 5 months ago!! Not looking back at all!
  3. Thanx man!
  4. With some of the helmets the guys where, he won't think you lied all the way... haha
  5. New tires are notoriously slippery until scrubbed in. I know more than one person that has dumped their bikes going around their own block after putting on fresh tires. Mold release agent or something about the top layer of rubber. One blast down a gravel road seems to scrub them clean. Got this on some website. hope it helps!
  6. He introduced about 27 new guys to the track this year!
  7. Ordered about 3 or 4 times from CRC. No problems at all. But I have heard of other people who had a lot of probs with them... as long as they fix the problem for you it's fine! It's not about the amount slip ups, but how they fix the slip ups!
  8. Let's ride, if you like it that much, come to the middle, where the guys of Trackcyclingsa sit. Ask for Jaco Scholtz. He has a few rental bikes and can line you up with a few sessions onthe track. GR8 FUN!!
  9. Ask a few of your mates to join you. then they can bum a lift and help with the petrol!
  10. hi @let's ride. I really don't know... Google Maps Suggested you take the N1..? hehe It's close to Tygervalley so I gues you can take the same route? Let me know if you need more help! cherz
  11. What a nice idea!
  12. Usually till about 21:00! Hope to see you there. Bring some friends or family with to get the numbers up. Cherz
  13. Yip... that's the sad, but true... For every person that attend, it is one seat filled..
  14. The riders need your support!
  15. The cycling circus in town... When: Tuesday 11 september 2012, starts 19:00 Where: Bellville Velodrome Come see the Team sprint SA record been taking to pieces!!! The Great climber "DARREN LILL" take on the best trackies of Cape Town ENTRANCE FEE: FREEEEEEE!! Bring all family and friends!! We want the stands full!! Cherz
  16. That's crazy!! The DC is R375 entry and it's almost double the distance!!!
  17. VygiesKraal is in a poor condition I've heard... Belvile is also concrete, 250m. VygiesKraal is 500m if I'm correct..? And the elite riders need a Indoor track to set up qualifying times for the Olympics. The track must be on olympic Standard! bellville Velodrome is the only one in SA. PS: Bradley Wiggo Wiggins won his first Junior World Title on Bellville velodrome Track!!
  18. It is never to late to try!! We will keep on fighting for as long as it stands! there are people that is working hard to keep the sport alive! our club founder, Jaco Scholtz, introduced about 20+ riders to the sport this year! So it can be done! Go and check out his page foor more detail: http://trackcyclingsa.co.za/
  19. Flashy, that's true! BUT, they are still planning it! it will take about 2 years to complete. Our riders are training for the 2016 Rio Olympics. Where must they train for that in the mean time?
  20. Hi all! Please go and leave a comment if you can and help save the velodrome! Olimpiese baanfietsry-drome in gevaar deur Sportliefhebber 2012-08-31 06:00 Die toekoms van die fietsrystadion in Bellville, wat die enigste fietsrybaan van internasionale standaard in Afrika bevat, blyk gedoem te wees. Die Stad Kaapstad het ’n tender toegeken vir die herontwikkeling daarvan, wat ’n hotel en sake-ondernemings insluit. Dit sal die dood beteken van baanfietsry, nie net in die Wes-Kaap nie, maar in die land. Die Suid-Afrikaner Bernard Esterhuizen, ’n 19-jarige voormalige wêreldkampioen, het op die Olimpiese Spele ’n ongelooflike 11de plek in dié naelrynommer behaal – teen formidabele en veel ouer en meer ervare teenstanders. Ons het die talent, maar die verdere ontwikkeling daarvan is gesetel in die voortbestaan van die fietsrystadion. Veral in die Wes-Kaap is ’n hele paar aanspraakmakers op ’n plek in die baanfietsryspan vir die Olimpiese Spele in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, asook die Statebondspele in 2014. Hulle oefen daagliks in Bellville, op die enigste baan in die Wes-Kaap. Dit is atlete sonder professionele borgskappe wie se ouers hulle grootliks borg, wat ’n beroep op die lange baan geskuif het vir die groot Olimpiese droom. Ook ons Paralimpiese deelnemers soos Roxy Burns oefen hier. Waar gaan hulle oefen as daar nie meer ’n fietsrystadion is nie? Die baan word gebruik deur oorsese spanne wat hier kom oefen, soos die Duitse Olimpiese span, wat in Londen met talle medaljes weggestap het. Die breë gemeenskap gebruik die stadion gereeld vir sport en ontspannings, aangesien dit die enigste groot binnenshuise fasiliteit in die noordelike voorstede is. Die laaste paar maande is verskeie kere probeer om die Stad Kaapstad tot ander insigte te bring, maar dit lyk of die besluit geneem is. Saskok en Suid-Afrika soek medaljes, en Fietsry Suid-Afrika het onderneem om die getal ryers op die volgende Olimpiese Spele van vanjaar se 9 na 18 te verdubbel. Hoe kan ons dan bekostig om so ’n gerief tot niet te laat gaan, en dit ter wille van nog sake-ondernemings? Is die Stad Kaapstad dit nie aan Suid-Afrika verskuldig om sy bes te doen om die stadion vir baanfietsry behoue te laat bly nie? Vir al hierdie fietsryers is hul Olimpiese droom verydel; maar die grootste jammerte is dat die jeug van môre nie eens die kans gegun gaan word om die wonder van baanfietsry in sy land te ervaar nie. Met vanjaar se Olimpiese en Paralimpiese Spele is dit weer eens duidelik hoeveel nasietrots in ons land is en hoe sport ons verenig. Ons het die atlete. Help ons met die geriewe! Sportliefhebber Brackenfell http://www.dieburger.com/MyDieBurger/Briewe/Olimpiese-baanfietsry-drome-in-gevaar-20120831
  21. That's rediculous!!!! Someone must speak to the headmaster!!!
  22. Yes that's true Andydude...
  23. Hi fellow hubbers. How about you give us a few of your best deals that you got on the hub? Would be interresting to see what lucky deals some guys got! hehe Cherz
  24. Hi all!! Just remember one thing. The olympian is only 19 years of age! His peak olympics wil be in 4 years!! Looking forward in seeing Bernard race at the 2016 olympics! He wore different kits. Wore a white kit with green and gold stripes, but there was 2 other guys eith them as well. And he wore a intellibus kit. But check the bike. He rode a black LOOK bike. Post the pics and I'll tell you in wich ones he feature! Haha thanx all!
  25. Thanx to everyone who came out and supported the track event! Hope you guys were impressed so much. Looking forward to anotherr even tommorow 18 August from 12h-19h!! Please come and support and bring everyone with!!
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