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Brakkies Sport Fotos

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Everything posted by Brakkies Sport Fotos

  1. no one? Than I need to send it to cycle art in JHB.
  2. Hi Guys I'm search the Hub, got about 4 people who were recommended to do frame respray jobs. Problem, maybe they are working on my request Just pop a name with contact detail, you can reccomend to respray a dual alu frame.
  3. When Chris willemse started to asked fair prices for products, it was these guys who was the main peanuts in the fight against CWC. So, its pay back time and I hope they feel it in their pockets. Remember, its not that they dont have the money, they already got it from you after the sale. To YELLOW SADDLE and those who stand with them ... WELL DONE
  4. Hi Guys I get PM's from you, I'm not on the Hub anymore. I just visiting, Sorry, i dont have the program anymore regards and stay safe
  5. Daar is ook 'n A4 groote foto van afrikaanse Lem op bl2. van die Burger Dit was op 'n binnelandse vlug in Siud Afrika, wat het sy gedog, almal wil net engels praat in hierdie land? Well done Lem, *** hulle, ... praat jou taal waarin jy gemaklik is. SAL moet die blaam vir sulke stront dra.
  6. Maybe Admin must setup a "personal view"", were you can go and tick the forums you want to see, and exclude the junkmail section (for example)
  7. Oom, goeie raad? Omdat jy in Nigerie sit, koop van hierde 2 Hub outjies. As jy nie die ligte laaik of as jy dit kry en dis nie soos hulle hier promise, dan gebruik jy die Hub om pressure op hulle te sit. As jy oorsee koop, moet jy maar weet, hulle gee nie om vir 'n ou toppie in Nigerie Koop by Bright-ligts of magic lights Ek het 2 gekoop by magiclight MJ808's gekoop en ek kan springhase daarmee gaan jag ook. Of vir die karre bright gooi, (jy moet sien hou hulle ligte dim as ek dit op bright gooi daar op die Bottlary pad) en hulle is cheap ook.
  8. And lastly, seeing that he got so many people who wants to enter: Why don?t he have 2 races in the space of 9 days. Let the Pro Teams and category racers with some additional 300 teams start on the Saturday ? Saturday, and a Next race starting the Sunday ? Sunday. (or other way round) Both do exact same route. Can it work?
  9. I think there is a couple of options for him: Firstly, and lets agree, the TT on day 5 makes a lot of difference in the race. For me, it makes it actually easier, you can recover the whole day and only worry about 3 more days. The 3 night stay over in one place do not work. Yes, its more comfortable for the tent guys to not give the bag in, but that is not such a big thing. You need spectators, and the only way is to sleep over in different towns at night For me.. He need to go back the Knysna ? CT format. The first year he can bring us home on the ?sea side?? of the big mountains ? Mosselbay, Riversdal, Swellendam, Bredasdorp, Oak Valley , Groenland etc. The next year he takes you over to the ?binneland??, Wiillowmore, Oudtshoorn, Kammanasie, Barrydale, Montagu etc. How much North can he go? I think the Ceres region is as far as he can go, unless he moves from Ceres towards Montague and move over towards Swellendam side (my guess for next year) But for sure, if he don?t want the same routes again, Ceres should be out of the question for 2011
  10. noudat jy 8 dae se goeie training in het wil jy die manne gaan seer maak. :-) Skaam jou. :-) Wat van 'n ""Hubber Epic get together"" iewers oor die naweek en ons almal gaan ry net 'n lekker long ride op daai greondpad buite Durbanville En daai quote op jou signature?... Camper van?
  11. http://www.sport24.co.za/Content/Galleries/Image/Other%20Sport/Cycling/Cape%20Epic
  12. Please send this link to Adele from Ride as well. One nice pic of her in full flight http://www.sportograf.com/bestof/714/index.html
  13. listen to the stream from the MWeb CEO : Rudi Jansen http://www.news24.com/Content/Galleries/Video/Videos/South%20Africa/Changing%20the%20internet/340ecec9baf24577b8899e30c59d400f/Changing_the_internet
  14. http://www.news24.com/Tags/Topics/broadband Go have a look, you the consumer can now afford ADSL =========================== Web consumers in South Africa will experience a different type of internet, with MWEB's announcement of uncapped broadband for users. It may also mean dramatic changes in the pricing landscape. "It is a game changer in South Africa. It essentially allows web consumers in South Africa to experience a different type of internet," internet strategist Matthew Buckland told News24. MWEB says it has made an effort to ensure that internet subscribers who migrate to its uncapped broadband offering, will not be forced to pay more than they currently are. The capped products will receive additional data at no extra cost, starting from a 1GB package at R69 per month This is a general breakdown for current MWEB subscribers: Data subscription only: Uncapped ADSL 384kbps R219 Uncapped ADSL 512kbps R299 Uncapped ADSL 4096kbps R539 All inclusive package includes the line rental: Uncapped All-inclusive 384kbps R349 Uncapped All-inclusive 512kbps R599 Uncapped All-inclusive 4096kbps R899 Team: MWEB Unlimited will be there, Say "Hi"" when you pass.
  15. I took my cell phone, which was damaged from the accident and tried to signal them with the light. Naas, ek het ook gewonder hoekom hy 'n selfoon lig probeer gebruik het, maybe het hulle ligte op gehad, maar of dit was stukkend, of hy het nie op daardie staduim daaraan gedink.
  16. Read this post on page 1. https://www.bikehub.co.za/forum_posts.asp?TID=79989 The question, How much do you now have to add to your purchase price ? Guys, paying R300 more in SA is still beter than going outside.
  17. ""Volgens Windsor het die klub ?n verstandhouding met die plaasbestuurder, mnr. Robert Stark, dat lede van die klub op die Contermanskloof-plaas mag ry."" Soos dit vir my klink was dit nie op 'n openbare pad, maar op daardie nuwe MTB roete pad op privaat grond? Willie, hoop jy word gou gesond. Ek het so 2 weke terug hom een oggend op die Bottlary pad gekry op sy MTB, laat ek julle vertel, hy is in top form, Ek wonder of hy vet op sy lyf het en jy kan aan sy bene sien hy is sterk soos tungsten Word gou gesond Willie.
  18. Bel hulle. Gecko - 021 982 3447 - Fred Coleske(Hy het al 2 keer op die Epic masters poduim gefinish). Oh, en ek kan jou promise, jy het nie nodig om te worry as jy by hom koop. Ek kan jou 'n getuigskrif gee Chris Willemse se site is bekend, hulle het honderde fietse en om elke een daar op te gaan sit gaan 'n groot job wees Al die fietse lyk dieselfde soos op die amptelikke site. Dis meer 'n kwessie van waar kan jy die goedkoopste prys beding en hulle websites beteken niks, Jy weet hoe die fietse lyk.
  19. Gecko cycles in Brackenfell got the "96" Merida's Chris Willemse cycles got the full scott range. That green one is a beautifull job
  20. the merida got XT Groupset. and that is most important.
  21. and then after all the homework, you phone CW Cycles, and get a even better price. That spark 20 is the best value for money (I think)
  22. sorry, duplicate
  23. Jip, my lyk soos 'n kraai nes. Its a eye sore, but hell, I dunno how to do these things and if the shop do not reccomend, than it stay as is.
  24. sh*t, maar julle is 'n klomp kla gatte en dom donners. Net 'n paar dae tevore is mense dood toe 'n voertuig hulle raak gery het. Vrydag oggend was daar juis nog fietsryers raak gery Sondag het julle met swart armbande gery !!!!! Hier kom iemand (wat ook self 'n fietsryer is) en post dat as jy op 'n fiets is, moet nie kanse vat deur voor 'n SUV (of kar of bakkie of lorrie of wat ookal) te ry en jou lewe te waag En wat doen julle? Julle skel omdat hy 'n SUV ry. Komaan, julle het seker meer intelligensie as hierdie.
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