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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lugu8wdtn11qmxj3so1_500.gif EDIT: This was supposed to personify "frustrated sigh"
  2. I must admit - I'd make one fecking ugly girly roadie... Not even HTG (hunt the grunt) status for this girly... More like People of Walmart...
  3. I'm cringing here... That makes my decision not to wear white toights even MORE valid. Or any toights at all!
  4. LOL. What is this "move back to" you speak of!? My regression to road cycling is purely an attempt to get more TITS and base fitness going. On the mountain, you can't really keep the HR in the fat-burning zones. Not in the places I ride at least (Tokai) - it's either 95% on the way up, or 95% on the way down, or resting HR & slightly above when I take a breather! On the road, it's generally flatter for longer. So you can do those long rides in the right zones. Pfft. Move back over... My Giant is still the bike that lives on my back seat, with the wheels in the boot. She's special like that...
  5. It was! Especially for me. Seeing as it was closer to 6kays and advertised as a 5!!!
  6. @ Red - not a dig at you, btw. Just a rant on the whole entitlement issue and how it seems to be invading every single person on the road, regardless of their choice of vehicle.
  7. I think it was in the 30's 2 years ago... Could be wrong. But that's what it felt like!
  8. Hold my line schmold my line. That's something people shout when they're not confident in their own abilities as a cyclist and HAVE to let someone know that they're passing. If you need to pass me, do it right. I always hold my line, but it's your responsibility as the person behind me to pass safely. Pfft. Hold your line. As for the timing - yeah. I know. I generally train alone though, and will not tag into a bunch 'cos as a rule they are generally inconsiderate bung-heads who don't care about other road users (generally speaking) I ride like I drive - considerately. But with clear intention. If someone shouts at me to hold my line though, I will tune him back.
  9. Or what Bogus says. More leverage / more power. See if you can get hold of a hollow pipe and wrap that around the spanner or wrench. Then ensure the chain whip is 100% secured and wrench away. Sometimes you literally need to wrench the thing apart. I don't know why some people put them so tight, but they do.
  10. He used to have 29ers. Think they all got replaced with 650. He may still have some niners in his stable though
  11. Get hold of Dan Dobinson of iRide Africa. He has a fleet of trance 650b ' s that he rents out and he also hosts tours.
  12. Lol. And dude. I am careful. 3 years of riding in London teach you how to look after yourself on the road.
  13. When I have more money, that is first on the list for replacement. The shock.
  14. Yeah, I have the bottom out dial. And it's at the max pressure, turned in to the max bottom out resistance setting. There was just something about the pairing with the DHX Air and the Giant's MAESTRO suspension that meant it blew straight through everything. I don't even want to know what it'll be like without that bottom out resistor turned in all teh way. Would probably be better paired with a normal RP23 or the new Float X. It's a commonly reported fault with that shock, unfortunately
  15. ROFL. Patches, that's exactly what I meant. The DHX Air was notorious for having ZERO mid-stroke compression abilities with that big ass can on there. If you'd but a CCDB on there, it'd be a different story entirely, I recon.
  16. LOL. I know. It's a true thrash it and chuck it away enterprise. Having said that, it may outlast all of us!
  17. LOL. I'm a lot of things, but easy to miss is NOT one of those...
  18. Could also be the progression in shock technology... I know I needed to do a fair bit of fettling with my DHX Air to get it passable ito behaviour. And it still blows through travel with the propedal on, and at max pressure... So yeah - as much as it's a case of the Trance being new tech, the Reign & Reign X still have more squish.
  19. Yes, you read it right. I'm back on the road, after a 3 year layoff, and a conscious decision to include more long distance in my training regimen. As much as I hate to admit it, I just can't do 100km plus outrides on my MTB in the southern suburbs without either destroying my tires, or encountering a stretch of road. Plus my mtb isn't exactly set up for road biking. Neither do I want it to be. So - I decided to get hold of my ooooold road bike, which I had sold to a mate about 4 years back. He used it to run on his IDT, which, it turned out, didn't get used at all. I got it back from him on the understanding that I would provide free services on his bikes (one road, one MTB) in exchange for the bike. It's just a modest Fuji newest 2.0, with an Alu frame and a mix of 8 speed Sora & Tiagra componentry. Nothing special, but it serves the purpose quite well. And yes. It gets me back on the road, for some much needed LSD. It also means I now have a bike for MY IDT, which I was previously using with my wife's small-framed MTB. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination... So now - the bike will stay as is. But we all know what happens when the bug bites, andd you just HAVE to upgrade the wheels (won't hold up long given my weight) and the crank (it's a triple, everyone knows you NEED a dual ring setup - triples are for noobs) and the brakes. Then the shifters and and and... ooooh. I see trouble. But yeah. Mayhem is back on the roads. Look out for me in my Sparkly Magenta Bell Faction, baggies, t shirt and 5-10's on flats. I'll be the moron grinning stupidly as I negotiate the traffic, like I used to whilst living and commuting in London.
  20. I know a few of the guys that regularly ride tokai are either out of the country on business or literally cannot make it. So no, this statement does not hold true. It holds true for those of us who CAN make it. For those of us who can't, for whatever reason, just understand that not all of us can drop whatever we're doing and come to an AGM. Even if it was advertised 3 weeks ago. Things get in the way. Family. Work. Holidays. And so on. I doubt you'd have cancelled a holiday on Germany (for example) when you had already booked the accommodation and tickets, just to have a vote on the night.
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