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  1. Quite a different take on this classic from Abba
  2. It is a lekker beer, not that I buy it too often - mainly on St. Patrick's Day, then I'll get myself a 4 pack of Guinness.
  3. Hansa used to be my go-to beer for quite some time, maybe because it was my Grandmother's favourite beer before she passed away - now, Lion Lager used to be my dad's go-to beer before HE passed away, so that's just one reason why I've moved from Hansa to Lion.
  4. Ok so, would anyone on this here BikeHub know if Mahindra's are reliable? anyone here had experience with Mahindra? Thanks
  5. Ok so I know it's one of the cheaper beers, but I'm quite enjoying Lion Lager these days.
  6. If memory serves me correct, there was a thread on this here BikeHub that had to do with Audax. Too lazy to search for the thread now, so I'm posting this vid in THIS thread:
  7. Loadshedding solutions? well, I have a UPS that's just enough to power our router, I bought a 2nd wireless powerbank for my phone yesterday, and I have 2 braai's, that's enough for us, for now.
  8. a bit late, but Happy New Years fellow Hubbers
  9. For those who haven't and for those who have Netflix, you got to watch this documentary:
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