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Everything posted by Escapee..

  1. Ja not cool Mariska still looking good after the fall, having to slow down a bit for her partner to catch her
  2. I hope the Summit ladies can stay away and take the stage win
  3. Pyga boys having a better day, Beukes didnt enjoy that big climb though
  4. Cannondale boys over 4minutes behind already..looks like its going to become a bit more before the end of the stage
  5. Candice doing all the work, strong like Russia
  6. Well this is the first stage they started without a camelback, so its actually better to not ride with it
  7. Might be right. I saw Peter Sagan battle to just get his chain back on his back over the weekend. Support car pulled in and got it done in a couple of seconds
  8. Summit fin through 2nd WP in 2nd place, 50sec behind SPEZ
  9. We know Dolfie, you already said you have done the Epic Is the sticker still on your bike?
  10. Not only keeping pace, easily catching them going up there
  11. Rather let the legs do the talking but a bit of mental game is part of it and also adds a bit of drama
  12. Candice said in the interview she went through a dark place between 70-90km
  13. I see its Schurter and Lars Forster riding together
  14. Bly sy is okay Pants Boy. Good on you to not have lost your ****. Having an assault charge against you would not have helped the situation.
  15. You can say that again. Rode from the Hotel and up Mike's pass, hard work going up but lekker coming down. Super views around every corner
  16. Waking up this old thread. Anyone been riding in the area lately? Will be there for a weekend and looking for some trails/roads to get some mileage in fanks!
  17. experience > qualification
  18. Here is the original thread from last year https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/172569-yet-another-tragic-loss/ From the News reports the police said they had a strong case?
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