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Everything posted by bleedToWin

  1. 'n paar skamele fototjies op hul Facebook. Not sure why we aren't seeing anything. 😕
  2. We went back down Adderley tot the Philadelphia T-junction after finishing some snacks and milk drinks on the rugby field. Some tired looking faces out there for sure!
  3. You should have skipped MTB and joined us on the road in the crosswinds. We had lots of fun! 😉
  4. And the chill on the fields at the finish with a chocolate milk. 👌
  5. They should add you with your own GPS recording as evidence.
  6. The kortgatte must buy the small frames. We ride with slammed stems, not slammed saddles! 😁
  7. Finish line camera will be on the left side of the road so they need it that side to read numbers and correctly place @Jbr
  8. You have a seatpost bottle and top tube bag? Doing two laps? Jokes aside, surely you have 3cm of seatpost available below your bottle?
  9. I'm guessing they are going off of PPA seeding.
  10. The late entry part is clear, yes but I'm talking about registration. 1. Registration and late entry dates are supplied. 2. Late entry is specified to not be possible on race day. 1 + 2 implies that something (other than racing) might be possible on race day, but not late entries or changes. You cannot logically infer that registration is possible or impossible on race day from the info supplied though, hence me saying "not clear".
  11. Note: Queries and changes will only be dealt with at registration. No changes or late entries will be facilitated on race day. Does this mean no registration on race day? Not clear...
  12. It seems these videos and the chinese imports are all for non-di2. Am I correct that the bladder is not accessible on R9170, or is it just a different process?
  13. I have a giant box of awesome bottle cages and I'm sharing with nobody!
  14. Sjo. Hope for their sake it's 10 boxes of 48 plus a random 4 chucked into one box...
  15. Can't see it anymore and you've got me curious. What was the lot?
  16. What, and let some other schmuck hold the KOM in YOUR 'hood? No way man!
  17. I always value the trophy or crown more if it's a strong leaderboard. There's a shoddily paved road in Brenton, 700 meters at 15% avg, max 22% gradient. Only 350 people have ever attempted to ride up it, and the KOM stood for 7 years, held by Matt Beers. I took 18 seconds off of him while on holiday 2 years ago. 😁 This Sunday I also crept into the top 10 on a big mountain that has thousands of attempts and a couple of serious names in the top 10. More proud of that one than most of my KOMs to be honest.
  18. Did they not maybe starting to apply for sanctioning after the tragedy 2 years ago? Just wondering out loud, but nothing on their website, and CSA calendar has TdW already listed so seems likely Winelands is still only PPA covered.
  19. https://geometrygeeks.bike/ Compare the two bike for stack height to see how much steering tube you will need on the new one.
  20. How short is short? Perhaps you are looking at bikes not suited to your riding style and trying to fix the fit with a high steering tube where a better suited frame would have a higher stack height and work well with a short steering tube.
  21. '/s' is shorthand for 'end of sarcasm'. I share your frustration with events posting on social media to their 83 followers and calling that marketing, then being confused when nobody knows about them or enters.
  22. If you followed their Insta pages you'd get all their marketing, so really that's on you... /s
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