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Everything posted by pe3nguin

  1. In Hilversum we have mobile electronic billboards warning about bike thieves being active in the area. Its such a prevalent crime that the Dutch almost seem numb to it by now.
  2. Consecutive and concurrent are different. The media is reporting that these sentences were handed down consecutively, meaning that one sentence must be served before the next. As far as whats the point. The same principles that are applied in determining the severity of a sentence are also used to decide if sentences are to be carried our concurrently or consecutively.
  3. The consoles are very similiar so it will come down to; - Controller preference - Exclusive title preference I think Sony has the superior library, but the Xbox controller fits perfectly in [my] hands. Maybe find out what games they would wanna play and we can advise further.
  4. Well guys. Since moving to Europe, I have stayed in 3 apartments and I can confirm that there is one universal truth. Getting a functioning internet installation is a ******* nightmare. Every. Single. Time. Telkom obviously takes tips from how it is done in Belgium and the Netherlands. Following best practice and all that jazz. When the installation actually happens and 750mbps glass fibre is a reality in my life, I will download games (just download, not play mind you) as a full time hobby. In the meantime, I have to play Overwatch using my phone's 4G...fffffffuuuuu. RIP my competitive ranking
  5. Merry Christmas sports fans
  6. Google drive spreedsheet could be an option. Every user slaps in their name and age and then you can collate the data.
  7. 520 is THE most aesthetic device on the market, and at the end of the day, looking good is all that really matters.
  8. ...I guess someone had to shoe-horn something like that in. Low hanging fruit and all that
  9. Tariffs and Excise/ Schedule 1/Part 1/ Section 12/ Chapter 65 Sports footwear from EU or ETFA: 20% duty rate
  10. What Landis did was one of the most epic rides in recent memory and would certainly not fall into the category of "late break" Great ride that was
  11. There is a sale on at the moment and you can get Far Cry 4 and Primal for R469. It may not get the same attention that its main-entry siblings receive, but Far Cry Primal is a pretty good game and snagging both for less than five buffaloes is a pretty schweet deal.
  12. Yes, depending on licensing and publishing agreements. But these are for generally obscure JRPGs which sometimes don't make it to what was previously called PAL and NTSC regions. Farcry 3 and 4 were major hits published by Ubisoft. They are definitely on the PSN store. Edit: I just checked and I was wrong. Far Cry 3 is available on the PS3 PSN store. Far Cry 4 is available on the PS4 PSN store. Apologies. Second edit: If you are having problems with finding Far Cry 4, that is directly due to the terrible search function embedded into PSN. I bet you were using search, typed in "Far" and then a whole bunch of Far Cry 5 items popped up and the list did not populate anything else. Type "Far Cry" and Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal items should come up as well. Good luck.
  13. They are both available on PS4 Wrong Far Cry 3 is PS3 Far Cry 4 is PS4
  14. Just you mate. The rest of us are photogenic AF
  15. Bad idea. Everyone knows your FTP drops noticeably when the SO is nearby. I jest of course.
  16. 10ish games in the core series. Close to 20 with mobile versions. If you consider all the collections Ubisoft have published you are looking at like 30 attempts to make money in this series. Crazy really.
  17. He compared his best efforts from JHB against his best efforts whilst riding in CPT 30 sec JHB v 30 sec CPT 20 min JHB v 20 min CPT And then showed us the personal trend for him to improve at the coast, the longer the effort lasts.
  18. It might not compare in your opinion, but it is the only Battle Royale game on the console and it fills the void for many PS4 players. I was just giving Lexx an alternative.
  19. Fun shooter game you say? ... Destiny 2
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