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Ozzie NL

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  1. Found this interview very enlightening in terms of the figure Wiggo
  2. You have to wait for the route to be announced in September and can then look for accommodation in the towns visited
  3. I used to ride Arione a d have made a happy switch to Fabric Line either shallow or flat ... Scoop good as well
  4. Anyone else following this? The mother of all ultra distance non-sense. Top guys done 2300km in 6.5 days and chasing Lachlan's record of 12.5 days https://dotwatcher.cc/race/tour-divide-2024
  5. Part across the road is called Bambile. Last we went in there, it is still open but not maintained so the trails are rough and overgrown
  6. These two Giant TCR ... first road bike I bought and did 58k km on it before replacing it with 2024 Propel earlier this year Santa Tallboy ... simply the best MTB I have been on .... If I crack it, I will just get another one. Only two things not to like about Santa Cruz; their colour schemes and the price
  7. Mention size and watch okes go mad 🤔
  8. If it's time, it's time ma bru.
  9. Incorrect, there is a 29' version. You do have to let some air out of the tires (as always when you fly but def not completely deflated)
  10. I have travelled with EVOC Pro and had no issues. Having said so, if I was to buy something I would prefer a hard case like the Scicon Aerotech Evolution Hardcase
  11. Tour de Tuli; https://landofthegiants.co.bw/
  12. Looks much easier than normal plugs (which do not work for road tires anyway) and getting rave reviews overseas Anyone used these for plugging tubeless road and dirt tires and if so what is the experience
  13. Picking this beast up tomorrow
  14. My guess would be that there is dirt and sand in the thread but that would be a little too obvious? There should not be any noise coming from those bolts when loosening or tightening.
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