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Everything posted by AlexSouth

  1. Need a good deal in this please https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/shimano-sm-rt79-centre-lock-rotors
  2. Di2 Emergency: just realized I am out of battery. Anyone bring a Di2 charger with them and is able to let me power up for an hour?!? 0792233349 Cheers, Alex
  3. I recently ordered Chinese Carbon Rims on DT Swiss 240s with an upgrade to 54 engagement points from Far Sport. I couldn’t be happier having gone for the high-end choice given that the overall cost was still good value (difference of R3500 between the Novatec hubs and the upgraded 240s). Hubs feel light and sound great and will likely be used way beyond the life of the wheels.
  4. Thanks, Steve, accommodation check, Nova Eroica also check!!
  5. Knees are a tricky one. I had ACL reconstruction 18 months ago and partially damaged it again 6 weeks ago. While I still struggle with impact exercise (i.e. running), riding doesn't provide any issues. Take it easy in the beginning and as the commentators before me mentioned you'll take around 3-4 months before getting back on the road and a month later should be fine for MTB. This advise may be obsolete though as I don't have experience with multiple ACL surgeries. Good Luck!!!
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