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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. I think somebody said it last year on that weight-loss thread: it's not about what you eat between Christmas and New Year, but about what you eat between New Year and Christmas. Wise words I wish I could adhere to.


    I have gained about 1,5kgs since the end of Jhb2C which ended in May when I weighed what I did in Grade 10. :thumbup: I try and eat in moderation all the time.

  2. I-Fly - I saw Dan at the 1st CP with his bike, having a beer!

    I thin I passed Adele at some stage - she looked like Pippy Longstocking from the back with her ponytails!

    If I am correct you rode stage three? By that time the wind had died down somewhat. Going down the pass, I could only manage 76km/h due to the headwind.

    My total ascent for the race was 2310m or something. If you consider that Windhoek is only 1800m above sealevel, it means the race was uphill!

    The vehicles left stage 4 after 10km and the changes in the route meant we did not have so much dust in stages 4,5 and 6. Also, the block headwind/side wind also took the dust away quicker, compared to last year's comparitively windless stages where the dust would just hang in the air.

    The pipe-line was an absolute shocker, especially if you have already got 280km in your legs!

    How about the solo next year?


    Dan was not allowed to ride the race as he was knocked off his bike outside the country club two weeks ago and hurt his back. He was having that beer at our support vehicle.


    Adele rode the 2nd stage. And I did the 3rd one.


    I am not sure about going solo :unsure: I was toying with the idea of going SS in a four man team though.


    I am waiting to get photos from our support driver.

  3. We had a really enjoyable trip for our first Desert Dash. Our team mates from Windhoek, who we met at the race briefing on Thursday, went out of their way to organise everything for us. Lift from airport, bakkie, support driver, food, drinks , B and Bs were all arranged by them.


    We stayed with Dan Craven in Windhoek and then he did a special 500km trip back to his home town so we could have a braai on a koppie on his family farm after the race.


    Our team's combined age was 216 and our time was 18h34. The race is mostly on good gravel roads with some riding on sand in the desert closer to Swakopmund. The temperatures ranged from 41c to about 8 c in the morning. The prevailing headwind did not blow as hard as in previous years.


    I had been warned about the dust from the vehicles but this was not such a big issue. Most riders pulled buffs across their mouth and nose.I saw some riders wearing surgical masks and I think that this is a better option than a buff


    For a race that goes down to the sea there are plenty of rolling hills with a few long steep ones thrown in on the 1st and 3rd stages.


    I rode the 2nd solo stage from 9pm to 1am and my magicshine light on low beam was more than adequate for the job.


    My wife met up with Ziggy from Polar who now lives in Windhoek. They are old tandem partners and they are now planning a tandem assault on the DD in 2012.


    The spirit amoungst the supporters and off duty riders at the change over points makes the race special.


    :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

  4. We had a similar experience in January. Ended up with a 6 hour and 85km ride on water and no food. We eventually got hold of the contact person who sent out a local to find us.


    I was hoping that the marking had been sorted out as we have planned to go back to Holla Trails next week.

  5. In the last two issues of Tread Magazine, Raleigh SA flighted a double page advertisement for their XXIX+G and XXIX models.


    These great looking steel-frame hard-tails got me interested and I wanted to find out a little more about the bikes. This has proven somewhat difficult because Raleigh SA's website, after two months still announces that they will be moving in soon, the 'info' contact email goes unanswered and the contact number goes to voice mail. I'd Raleigh like to know what they cost and who would be stocking them here in Cape Town.


    How not to re-launch your brand is my impression.



    I agree.


    I was also interested in the XXIX and sent an email before the 94.7 expo. Still no reply. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


    At the expo the representative on the stand was clueless and could not answer any of my questions. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


    So I guess they have wasted a good opportunity and money on their ad campaign

  6. Good to hear - do you (need to) keep them charged constantly?


    Until we started commuting during winter they only got charged when we needed to use them. Longest period without a charge was 6 months. Since May they get charged every week (and we don't run them flat) without any problems.


    But don't go through the trouble of exchanging currency. You can use them Rands, the change received will be NAM $.




    I was just waiting for my bank to open this morning so I could arrange for some Nam $.


    As for the bullets - the leading riders will pass me at about the same speed so I feel right at home.

  8. Have you ever been to NAM?


    I was there on a fully paid excursion package for 18 months in the late 70's. This was in the northern regions of the country so I have never been to Swakopmund/Windhoek.


    Looking forward to riding/driving on gravel roads faster than the mine sweeping team could walk.

  9. I have to give it a go this year. The boss, she said so :rolleyes:


    We are ready to go. :clap:



    Plane tickets booked and paid for, team and support vehicle organised, hotel booked, leave granted. Just need swop ZARs to Nam dollars.

  10. I end up coming home after Sabie and having to strip down my whole bike to get the red mud out of it. Apart from the event costing me a fortune afterwards to get my bike ready again, it ends up on the bike stand for about a week during the time I really want to ride my bike, ie holiday time.


    I love this event, but every year its smack bang in the middle of the rainy season.


    Sani 2 C adjusted and is now run in May. Hopefully Sabie X can get a better time slot in future.


    After trashing my bike at 5 X muddy Sabie Xs I got tired of the repair bills and stopped going to this event. It is a pity as it was my first multi day event (2004) and I think the format and area are fantastic.

  11. Reading this thread suddenly gave me the urge to ride this event. I even found out whether there was place for me.


    However there is too much to organise before Monday , plus my wife - a long distance specialist- can't get leave. I don't feel like suffering on my own with a bunch of strangers.



    Next year :thumbup:

  12. Damn, I really want that belt-drive I saw at the Raleigh stand.




    At R10k I think that this is an excellent bike for commuting and shorter mtb outings. They may underestimate the demand.


    We are going to buy two next year once we have more details on the replacement belt availability and alternative gearing options.

  13. Fantastic idea sir! I was dreading the number collection until I read your post. Tomorrow I drive to the station and train it in.


    Thanks for the heads up - guess I really need to recalibrate "car oriented" brain - never even thought about the Cowtrain...


    My wife is at the expo all day so my plan for tomorrow is as follows:-


    1. Get lift to Sandton with her in the morning.

    2. Go to work in Jet Park via train

    3. Catch train back to Sandton in afternoon.

    4. Go to Expo

    5. Get numbers

    6. Buy my sidi shoes that I have been waiting for since May :clap:

    7. Take her for supper

    8. Get lift home after expo closes

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