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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. post-43-0-12631800-1349086863_thumb.jpg


    I managed to get to my local Subaru dealership last week for a test drive.


    I liked the looks, performance , colour ,etc.


    The suspension was harder than my existing car - something I will have to get used to.


    I did not like the spare wheel that takes up half the boot and has no cover. I would either get a marie biscuit spare or drive without it.


    Dealership has no idea of pricing, launch date or availability. This is not such a big deal as I had reconciled myself to a June 2013 date.

  2. Funny enough Toyota has a large controlling share in Subaru. There is talk of an STi version of the BRZ. The current model does not have AWD as far as I know. The car would have been too heavy with AWD fitted with the current motor. AWD does make a huge difference. I have tried on occassion to unsettle my WRX to no avail even in the wet.


    Subaru say that the motor is mounted too low to fit the AWD system to the front wheels. I think the STI motor will only come when sales of the non turbo model start to dip.


    As to being a scooby driver - that only happens on weekends when I am allowed to drive the Forester. I actually come from a long history of BMW ownership - 9 since 1987


    I am going to test drive the BRZ tomorrow. :clap: :clap:

  3. Have you driven the Toyota GT86?Not as much power as the other 2 but loads of fun.

    135 would be the choice between the top 2


    I have driven the Toyota GT86 - I thought that it had the identical engine as the Scooby BRZ. Anyway my Subaru dealership finally has a BRZ demo car so I will go later this week for a test drive. I have a leaning towards the BRZ but that is all theoretical until I have actually driven both.



    Agree on the 135 being the more powerful car but I would have to get a 2010 model to come in at the same price as a new BRZ. (I do have two kids living away from home at full time university to fund before my toys get considered)

  4. We have converted a momsen LA329 into a SS but the tensioner that we have does not have enough movement to hold the tension on the chain. ie we can't move it down enough so chain runs under guide nor will it go up enough so chain runs over guide. Am I missing something obvious or will another (which one?) tensioner solve my problem?


  5. I ride the Storm1 which is very much like the Vida1 but with carbon frame. The Storm is a great XC bike with snappy handling and great acceleration with the light Crest wheels, same wheels as on the Vida1. I have read a review in a mag on the Vida1 and got a very good review.


    I have had my Vida 1 (in a SS conversion) for two months. It was a good value for money buy, handles well and I like the polished finish. I often ride it in preference to my SC Superlight or SC Tallboy.

  6. After months of contemplation I have decided on my gear for the race.


    My grandfather fought in the 2nd boer war - although not at Spionkop - so I thought I would try and wear something that resembles the uniform he would have worn.



    what pressure did you run them at? - sez 2.5bar minimum on the sidewall, but running them on this pressure makes the grip in corners very sketchy. Run mine at 1.8bar just to get the corner grip to an acceptable (according to me) level.

    saw my arse without the use of a mirror first ride out with them at 2.5bar.


    Pressure was below 2 bar - I weigh about 76kgs - but grip in corners was never their strong point anyway.

  8. I bought some killer bees a while back. They weren't that great grip wise, but have super low rolling resistance, and no punctures while I used them. I eventually put them on my training wheels and use them when I ride the mtb on the road - so far so good....


    They are fantastic tyres for dry hardpack. But I have also used them on the old style epic and a wet Sabie Experience without killing myself


    The grip is not bad under the right conditions but they wear out quite fast.


    I dont use them anymore as I now prefer having extra grip during cornering. Maybe that is my age showing.

  9. What a blast of a day , fun was had by all . so cool to see some putting in so much effort into there dressups !


    Well done all!


    For me though Beer , high HR and tech single track are not safe to mix :wacko:


    My beer drinking capacity ( mostly lack thereof) had me struggling to maintain forward momentum on that long climb after the 1st beer stop. I had to engage the walk-with-head-on-handlebars gear to get up it.


    It was my 1st time at Thaba and it was as challenging as I thought it would be.

  10. Europe and the States make it easy to use cycle for more than just recreation, however, if you had to cycle from the East/South or Westrand to Sandton every day in rush hour traffic, you would probably be dead in about a week.


    Not strictly accurate. I did West Rand/Sandton bike commute during rush hour for nearly 18 months without mishap caused by motorists. I did , however, unseat myself a few times through lack of talent.

  11. Soooo ... anybody have further experience on this frame please?


    ST handling, etc?


    I have ridden mine (in SS setup) three times - 65km rolling gravel roads ( with 6km 5% climb), 32 km twisty single track with some steep, loose surface climbs and 70kms at Cullinan race.


    I have no criticisms of the ride or the handling. Although the true test of handling will come on Saturday after a few of Wendall's beer shortcuts


    Good value for money package.

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