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Everything posted by Bonus

  1. From what they were saying at the scene, he felt unwell, stopped and sat on the verge for a while, phoned his wife to fetch him but then suffered a fatal heart attack. We arrived there 20 min after the ambulance was first called and it was at least another ten mins before a paramedic bakkie arrived. By then it was too late and the folks trying to revive him had stopped. his wife and half a dozen more emergency vehicles arrived a short while later. When we rode back past there a 45mins later there were quite a few family members there with her. This, and the heart attack fatality 3 weeks ago has certainly highlighted how far away from medical responce you are if you ride out there alone :-(
  2. RIP :-( Deepest sympathies to the family. Respect to the guys and girls that tried their best to revive him.
  3. Saw someone doing exactly this on Saturday around lunch time. Thought they were doing it for a race at the time.
  4. Coming into this thread a bit late - but just wondering . . . . Do the "witnesses" that offered to testify against LA have anything to lose/gain by doing so? Is there any plea bargaining going on etc?
  5. Deepest sympathy to the family. RIP. Yesterday we rode past flowers that had been laid for the cyclist that passed last week at the cradle :-(
  6. Riding out at the Cradle just after lunch today my GF and I came across two guys that had been riding with a buddy who had statred to feel a bit under the weather. They went back to fetch a vehicle for him while he had a rest beside the road and when they got back to him he had sadly suffered a heart attack and passed. They were understandably stunned by what had happened and between phone calls to family and medics etc were questioning whether things would have worked out differently had one of them stayed with him. My heart goes out to these youngsters who did nothing wrong but will undoubtable beat themselves up over this. Thoughts also to his family. I stayed with them until the funeral director arrived - not wanting to intrude but not wanting to desert them either. I hope they and the family get through this difficult time. RIP fellow cyclist. B.
  7. I've seen that gate over on the far side of NF wide open on more than one occasion. What's that all about? That should certainly be "step one" - lock the gate. Now if someone has to climb OVER a locked gate with their bike then they can hardly claim to be doing "nothing wrong" can they? Edit: I must say I've met some nice people on the farm and made some good friends, but I've seen some real fuckwits over there too.
  8. Sounds like the most obvious cure to this problem is for the bank to indicate on your statement (on screen & paper copy) which funds are still "uncleared". So you would have a balance of say 50k but 27k of that (value of transaction in question) would be "not yet cleared". You would know not to part with your goods until the uncleared amount became "cleared".
  9. LBS LBS LBS. or sell to someone you know. This stuff sucks :-(
  10. I know people who get in from the drive home from work too grupmy to talk to anyone. Can only imagine how it feels after an effort like that. And anyway, people should keep their kids under control . . . . lol
  11. My son was there :-) . . . I was here :-(
  12. Team Sky to win the Vuelta? :-)
  13. Awesome ride! Bradley is an impressive rider, a great person and a fantastic role model. I hope it rubs off on some of the youngsters who are being taught that its wrong to try and win and that everyone is equal. Everyone is NOT equal - and in the real world, its generally those that try, that suceed. Good show by TM and CF too. All dedicated, hard working, self sacrificing people who have a dream and a goal.
  14. I tried to count but ran out of fingers . . . . Actually we need either a hill or an alleyway to slow people down enough to count. I'll try harder next time :-)
  15. Woke with an upset tummy today! Hope it's better by tonight!!! :-(
  16. Yeah - the newbie brings beer for everyone . . . . . :-)
  17. Ride from Dunkeld guys! It's a nice warm up and almost all flat :-)
  18. Dude - more likely a very old chick and a hot car . . . .
  19. I'll be in Bib-tights if its cold! Tempted to join you for a Hot-dog & Beer Skidd - but not so keen on riding back to Dunkeld half pissed! :-o B.
  20. Looking forward to it - can we pre-arrange with the Bioscope to have a big pot of hot soup on the go? I'm sure it would sell!! Skidd? Cheers. B.
  21. If I caught someone using bolt cutters to steal my bike I use them to cut off his &*@!
  22. "Play with the players balls?" is that it?? :-)
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