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Everything posted by CogitoErgoSum

  1. I commute mainly on the side of the road on mtb. Most pedestrians/commuters have earphones in, connected to a cellphone or whatever. Approach them with caution - they are lost in their own little being and WILL jump into you just as you are next to them. Even if they don't have earphones, they don't know the meaning of a bell either. Lesson, stay away from them.
  2. Yoh, hectic crash. My guess is that that was a blind corner - coming around the previous slight bend to the right he did not expect a hairpin. And a total brain-fart speed added to the equation... Seems he tried catching the 3 or 4 riders directly in front of him. Ouch. Heal up well
  3. I went years without a medical aid. Fortunately never needed one for myself. But there is some level of anguish when your loved one needs medical assistance... In anycase, have a medical aid now. Went to casualty on saterday - my laaitie decided to split his finger with a hammer. He needed stitches. The doctor couldn't even spell the word "hammer". This was at a Netcare. His rendition "harmer"... (tried to upload photo of the guy's spelling, file to big - using tapatalk) Medical aid will not ensure that you get the sharpest pencil
  4. Good morning. Apologies in advance if this is not the place to ask/post..... I have kit - helmet (padding is done, slight scrape one side, shirts (too small, not worn) and bibs (used). Is there a place in Pta to donate to? Or anyone want? Thanks
  5. Nah. Did consider Aus a few years back after I was told in numerous job interviews something along "great qualifications and experience, but sorry, you are white." I am just saying city council doesn't give much attention to cleaning water ways, sewers, etc. Too many nasties that can cause longterm problems. Broken bones from falling on sludge, scrapes being infected, sewer water in your face and mouth. Can only imagine what else can happen. This urban race theme has been tried before in various ways, and failed. I give this another year or so and it will too.
  6. Damn expensive. 'New and improved.. Blah blah..' Marketing BS if you ask me. Didn't do it last time, will never. Playing in a dysfunctional city with a non-existing sewer system? No thanks. Like saying "here is your shot of heroine for 399, but don't worry, it is a new formula, you won't get any side effects...". All kinds of illnesses and infections to be had.
  7. Apologies then if I dared to offend one of thehub mafia... [emoji22] He should have chosen his words better
  8. That is a given that they are not in the same league. Few SA men will be able to keep up with Ariane. But, the opportunity to ride with someone of that ability would be amazing. My issue is with someone stating "she is going to k@k" on a public forum. Completely tasteless
  9. How about some respect to a deserving LADY?!?! She finished two or three minutes behind Ariane at the Clarens event. It will be an amazing experience for Cherise to be out with Ariane.
  10. Clarens from where we stayed for the Ashburton event. No actual riding pics - hey I was 'racing', no time for pictures....
  11. Yoh, hectic stuff. I also had to pull the brake lever from my leg when I was a laaitie. This also after I touched wheels with the neighbour's kid while racing our bmx's around the house. Just missed the femoral artery. Heal up well. All the best
  12. Hi. Is the route still open and accessable from the school? I haven't been up there the last year and a half. Any new extensions? It is a good challenging route
  13. Howzit (saying it with a stuffed nose...) I did a quick search regarding VITAMIN B SHOTS. No new posts. What is the latest about vitamin b shots? Easily available otc from the pharmacy/lbs? Need prescription? How much does it cost? Will it help if you are already sick? I am g@tvol - everytime I attempt increasing training intensity, I get sick.
  14. Most def. But then there is trail running... Now that is awesome. Seriously! Ps... Disclaimer - my failed attempt at trolling [emoji24] [emoji24] [emoji24] [emoji23]
  15. Love it when a plan comes together. Finished my own singletrack on the plot yesterday - tested it today. Awesome riding, albeit a bit short. (Only 5km loop). Hope to eventually meander onto adjacent properties to extend it.
  16. Yeah I reckoned he had to be some "vip" from the Republic of Cape Town. Have never heard of him. Government pays well. At least he is investing in a proper bike, and not some pigs...! Enjoy mr i-am-a-minister-of-sightseeing-and-eating-and-drinking
  17. Vermarc is by far the best - well for what I can afford. Assos is way out of my league. Craft is to uncomfortable - the padding/chamois has a very low rise in front. The wife flipped when I fitted it for her! "You are not going out like that! I can see everything..."
  18. Yeah It is _______________ but with a little blib in the middle with lots of sand. So more like _______~~_______~~~___^__^^___~~~________~~~_______________________________________ Oh, and two water "crossings". It is a very fast race. You can do some good interval training on this route
  19. Good morning The last week or so driving past the school I saw the gate leading up to the cement road is closed/may be locked. If it is locked, where can I access the singletrack over weekends?
  20. Going to see dr scott sounds better than saying you need to tend to your silverback. Nobody would believe me that I have a gorilla to play with...
  21. Seems that I won't be able to do this one afterall. Coming off strong antibiotics and cortizone for a lung infection. Have been on the bike only once the last 6 weeks. Still not feeling lekker. Enjoy guys and gals
  22. Think there is one in Harties also. Contact Trinity cycles - google them
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