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Everything posted by CogitoErgoSum

  1. Great, thanks! Stage 2 looks challenging. Hope I can get someone to partner with for a sufferfest.
  2. Dankie. Duh, I should've read it first! The ability to read, and to comprehend what you read, is a skill developed! "Inaugural..." Hope they give more info soon. It sounds lekker.
  3. Howzit Does anyone have any info on this stage race? I saw it on cycleevents. http://www.cycleevents.co.za/mtb-events/dam-2-dam-stage-mtb-race-2014/ Apparently it starts at Buffelspoort, up to Konka. The second stage is from Konka to Brauhaus am Dam. Is this a new race? What route do they follow (same as the magaliesmonster and konka races - I did neither of them). I really want to do a stage race - will this one be ok for a noob? And, at R800 per team of two, what is part of the package? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi I have an OLMA from around late 1950 to early 1960, passed down from grandfather. It only says something like "27 jewels" on the face. Where can I have it refurbished? I am in Pretoria. I have checked on their site, only European info. It is more of sentimental value (I have no idea if it has any value) Thanks
  5. +1 I will be following this thread. Thanks
  6. No minimum - brilliant 2-3 days - great Only credit cards - not so good. I don't have a credit card. Will have to go a retailer then.
  7. Good morning Thanks. Are there any other terms/conditions (minimum value required to qualify for free delivery)? Also, timeline to deliver to Pretoria? Possible to do an EFT? Thanks again
  8. Hi I am accessing the site from a smartphone. Am I missing the link to create/register an account? Viewing the product and choosing the size etc, there is no option to add to your cart/or creating an account. Advise/direction would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. I wear glasses 17hours per day. I am also looking into getting Rx sunnies to ride with - the sun and dust is killing me. I am leaning towards a cheaper alternative frame-wise. I don't want to feel too sorry for them when I drop them, or when the bike drops me! I came across another site (smartbuyglasses, I think) that offer to have Rx made for you on practically any full-rim set they have. Has anyone dealt with them before? Trustworthy?
  10. On 40+km rides I use my Antidote and a bottle. The water bottle to keep my head cool, and squirting the sweat out the eyes. I tend to heat up first through my head - they say it happens especially when there is very little matter between the ears (or was that too much...)! I used two small bottles in the back pockets before the Camelback. There were numerous close calls on singletrack when I needed water and had to fiddle around for them. That's just me- see what works for you.
  11. Hi again I have an entry for the 45. PM if interested. For free, mahala, gratis. Can't go - other commitments Damn, could've used the arm warmers though.....
  12. I am also in somewhat of a crap mood. Wanted to do the race, but was dealt circumstances that I can't control. (Had an armed robbery over the weekend - have to finish the security system on the premises) Apologies for my remark
  13. Thanks for your "insight". I was out of the office at that very moment - thought it would be quicker to get info here than it would be to phone after them (the person to talk to was also out of the office!) Guess it is quicker on here - to get a bitchy reply. I did eventually speak to them.
  14. Good morning guys n' gals Need quick advice, please. What is the exchange policy for the event? Can I give my entry to someone else? What documents are needed (letter of permission...)? I have entered the 45, but I can't go. Circumstances not of my doing is now forcing me to stay away. Thanks in advance
  15. Thanks guys. Yeah, the in-laws will be fine - just a matter of time to heal-up physically and emotionally. The silver lining is that we sleep over sometimes - I have three small kids. This time we decided not to. If something was to happen to them - man, I would be losing it. Just the audacity these mentally-challenged-still-permanently-dissadvantaged assholes had. I mean you are the epitome of manhood when you assault a 70year old woman. Anyway, I will be channeling all feelings towards the race. Perhaps a top ten finish will be in my grasp! Yeah, whatever...
  16. Thanks guys. Yeah, the in-laws will be fine - just a matter of time to heal-up physically and emotionally. The silver lining is that we sleep over sometimes - I have three small kids. This time we decided not to. If something was to happen to them - man, I would be losing it. Just the audacity these mentally-challenged-still-permanently-dissadvantaged assholes had. I mean you are the epitome of manhood when you assault a 70year old woman. Anyway, I will be channeling all feelings towards the race. Perhaps a top ten finish will be in my grasp! Yeah, whatever...
  17. I can relate. Wanted to do a 60km + ride on Saturday. Got a call early Saturday morning from the in-laws - they had an armed robbery on the farm. The *#¥,$~ assaulted them (and three workers) badly, took their bakkie (and other stuff). So there went my final preparation out of the window. I am now managing the business alone with half the number of workers. Anyway, at least I am only doing the akkedissie (half marathon). But I am still scared $€itless!
  18. Crossfit is not rehab orientated. One can 'borrow' (they like to think they own the methodology) certain aspects from them. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a widely used method to get the most out of the time you have. But, crossfit believes in overhead squats (will kill your back and shoulders), snatches (most unnatural movement ever - will definitely hurt the general guy on the street). Also they believe that you will carry on with a workout/exercise until you get the required reps/time. The main problem with crossfit is that the lactic build-up is so high that the kidneys start to battle to flush the body. I reckon you should stick to core (incl lower and upper back) and stretching for at least 12 weeks after the op. After that, rather focus on big movement exercises such as lunges, bodyweight squates, step ups, ankle hops (bouncing as high as possible from the ankles), push-ups, etc. There is always an alternative exercise to do, or a variation of one. That is why it is important to have the guidance and help that a biokeniticist (or any other that has experience in dealing with back ops) can give. Doing big movement exercises can then be incorporated into the HIIT method of for example (this is only an example!) step-ups straight in push-ups, into 1min sprint on the IDF, into ankle hops. Rest for 1min and repeat 3 times. ***Disclaimer*** I am not a medical practioner. I was a personal trainer, not anymore. Please do not construe any of the above as medical advise. I only speak from personal experience as I had a serious back injury a few years ago - broke L4 and L5. Due to proper rehab and stretching and strength training I am fully recovered.
  19. Howzit I was a personal trainer for 10 years. Squats, deadlifts, push-press for shoulders are excellent. Skipping brilliant (can't skip, then do ankle hops 1min on 30sec off for 5min) at the end of a workout. Also very important is core (abs and lower back) Body weight training is a very good alternative also Have someone to how/teach you the correct technique for power exercises if you're not sure. Stay away from crossfit - methodology they use will hurt you further.
  20. +1. I haven't been there for the last 3 weeks. Hope they get it going soon.
  21. Perhaps try Trinity Cycles in Harties or Maniyak Cycles in Magalieskruin, Pretoria. Don't know if they rent bikes out, but they are reputable shops. Google them
  22. When does entries close? What sort of numbers are you looking at putting your cap for entrants? (Ie will I be able to enter month end?)
  23. At school and varsity I played hockey at provincial level. We always joked - "If blood scares you, go play rugby" Man, those were the days. I was beyond top fit. Played 7 days a week - trained 3 hours per day for 5 days, matches days 6 and 7.
  24. +1 So true. Cycling is a way of life. You live cycling, not something that is just play. And may I even suggest - its a matter of life, and death. Pushing yourself past your limits seeing what is possible. Living life is to cycle. We are tough on all levels (physical and mentally), tougher than what non-cyclists think.
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