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  1. The latest update allows using another program or device to control the trainer resistance, so using TrainerRoad, GoldenCheetah etc. to control your workout. It also bring support for event series, it will be interesting to see how organisers use this.
  2. From the release notes of the version where it was added: Advanced Analytics. indieVelo now performs VO2max analysis of your physiology based on your riding to help you train better and achieve your goals. Using a model based on your 90 day best Critical Power (CP) curve this ensures your targets and analysis uses your current form and fitness, taking into account the natural cycle over the year, as well as injury / illness etc. For what it is worth, it estimates mine a little bit higher than Garmin. And both are 2-4 higher than what Intervals.icu estimates for my "42 days", with IV being the highest, but with the least amount of data.
  3. I have installed it on my Android tablet, but I have not ridden with it so no idea about battery life. Maybe changing the graphics settings could make it a bit less intensive? For example reducing shadow distance.
  4. It sounds painful, not fun I had a quick look - only 3 SA riders have done the 4km TT challenge. Maybe I will check after work, not often I can get a top 10 at something
  5. I'll keep TR, although I am checking if it is possible to change to a yearly subscription before the price increase kicks in...
  6. I just prefer the racing on Indievelo, than on Zwift. I like that you can actually feel less resistance from the trainer when drafting, or more resistance depending on the wind direction. But mostly I like that I have a decent shot at a good race. Depending on the route and the riders entered, I might be in Pen 1 for one event, but Pen 2 for another. Instead of in Zwift, entering in ex. B per my FTP and having no chance against riders who clearly shouldn't be in that category. Zwift is awesome, and if it had a proper automatic ranking system 2+ years ago, I would probably still have been using it.
  7. Just note that if/when you do have dropouts, it can sometimes result in getting kicked out of a race by the automatic verification, at least if the race is using the most strict level (for example, if cadence drops for more than just a really short time, but power still reads high). It happened to me a few weeks ago, not sure if it was my cadence sensor or the wifi though as the message wasn't clear on the culprit.
  8. How did your rides go? The weather was great, the race village was better than last year. No issues with route marking or late marshals on the MTB that I am aware of, and good attendance for all the distances on both days. My legs took a while to wake up on Sunday after the previous day's 80-ish, so I sat too far back and missed some of the faster groups on the first climb out of Knysna. Stupid, in hindsight, but oh well.
  9. It is about 106km, with around the same amount of meters climbed as the CTCT - my activity from 2022 shows 105.96km and 1150m. Up and over the big climb, left at a junction, to the turnaround and back to the junction, left again for some bonus climbing, and then back to town. Just one start group, if I remember correctly, which tends to split quite quickly after the neutral zone, so can be a bit of a lonely slog if you miss the bunch split. Last year the scenery was quite nice, as there was a lot of rain earlier in the week. But this year the race is a month later, 10th November, so it will probably be very hot.
  10. The Monday Mixer race, and Wednesday Omnium races are fun, and have a decent number of humans competing, plus bots to fill up the pens to 50 riders. The "La classique du Jeudi" race today also usually has decent numbers, no bots in this one. And "DIRTy FriYAY" race on Friday also usually has a decent number of humans. This week the Monday Mixer had 15 humans in pen 1 (13 finishers, all in the top 20), and a few humans in some other pens as well. One person's recording of the race: Although there is no companion app currently, you can check the upcoming events here: https://indievelohub.com/
  11. I see on ye olde book of face, it mentions bouttime: https://www.bouttime.co.za/ No idea what kind of chip or board they use though
  12. New Roval wheels, Rapide CLX II Team
  13. Agreed, purely on the result it doesn't look good, but what is his role for the team at the race? Was he working for Fuglsang and Gee earlier on the climb? Is he fetching bottles? The highlights on YouTube show none of that. His team management will know exactly what his power numbers are currently, and I highly doubt they are expecting him to be their GC leader. But they would surely not bring him to a race if they thought he couldn't support the team in some way. Mu guess is that he is at the Dauphine to support the team's GC leader(s) and getting some race sharpness, while the TdF guys are training at altitude somewhere. During TdF he'll be at some of the smaller races that the World Tour teams are obligated to send riders to.
  14. Team Time Trial mode is available with the latest update: https://wiki.indievelo.com/docs/team-time-trials/ https://indievelo.com/release-notes/ And a test event tomorrow evening: https://events.indievelohub.com/12246
  15. Your best best would be to chat with someone at Enduroplanet or Cycleworld, to suggest some routes, or put you in contact with some groups that might have some rides planned. For example, around Maselspoort, or south to Tierpoort and back, or Brandfort and back.
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