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  1. Matu

    947 Ride Joburg

    I had a different experience this year, for the last couple of years I loaded the course and enjoyed climb pro. This time around I totally forgot to load the course, but I felt like I suffered less on the hills and I would say my fitness if +- the same. Maybe the placebo effect of not knowing how much of the climb you have left helped🤣 I enjoyed the day overall, besides the heat. The price, I think is very fair (you would pay nearly the same for Emperors, Monte, and groot trap and they are not full closure races), the whole of JHB is closed for my enjoyment, and getting into the venue and parking I found pleasant. Just the heat killed this year, I started in batch Q and it was already hot, I cannot image the later batches...maybe coordinating the race a month earlier would help. The route is great, a nice challenge on the 2nd half. If it was easy there would be no point to it. But yes, the passing
  2. Matu


    I also reported the poor stream quality and I received this response I had a nice giggle at it followed up with a touch of rage. As you can imagine my reply was very sarcastic and passive-aggressive hahahaha
  3. https://indievelo.com/downloads/
  4. apparently workouts are there already and comparable to Zwift. Pricing-wise, I don't think you'll get much of a saving, but competition is always good. I'll take a few screenshots and share
  5. Per my reading, they currently have a number of BOTS, but they have some sort of AI and a CP number that enables the BOT to act on its own accord depending on the CP given. Sounds cool
  6. No worries! They also do dual recording from the word go, There's also wind. Would be good to see how much traction they get and how other players (Zwift, RGT) respond to the new competitor
  7. Hi Hub, Has anyone tried IndieVelo? Installed yesterday to check the graphics. Been reading some comments and some people are loving racing there... Will do a ride this week and share my thoughts https://indievelo.com/
  8. Thanks! 🤣 Only if style could pedal for me...
  9. Been using my 6x pro for the last 3 years and I'm happy with it. It's a daily watch with all the cycling elements I need: -climb pro -screen is not the biggest but gets the job down -i can fit enough data -legible in all conditions -great battery life
  10. Have a look at the attached thread. i agree with the direct mount comment
  11. Ant+? Can you connect to power meters, etc.?
  12. Many have shared their views, for me why i swapped my snap to a core: chows your tires you get black tire stuff all over the floor as there is friction between the wheel and the roller noisy constant calibration And now that i have gone direct drive, I don't think i could go back to a wheel on. The wheel on's resistance feels forced and too clamping with no "real" flywheel inertia and momentum. Gradients feel more natural and progressive on the direct drive. ERG mode its worlds apart. Its chalk and cheese. its like in PC, you can use a 60hz screen for years and it does the job, you dont know better, but once you have/use a 144hz screen you cant go back to a 60hz and you see all the flaws you never realized that were there.
  13. That's why find a good 2nd hand deal is important, if you get bored of the experience you can always sell it and absorb a minimal lose. I usually race every tuesday and thursday night, and do outdoors in the weekend. With the current weather, I am fully indoor (3 or 4 rides a week) and enjoying it. Very convenient. I also lie to myself and do 1 sided maths, but im "saving" gym fees amounting to +-r3000 a year and i am investing in my health and a sport i like, so for me its a win.
  14. IMHO and from my experience, it depends on what you want from the platform. I started with a dumb trainer, speed and cadence sensor and cheap 2nd hand wheel on trainer (r1000 for the sensors and +-r700 for the 2nd hand wheel on). It was OK to get started but it doesnt take advantage of the platforms, no resistance, you can take part in events/races but result might not count for results/Zwift Power, etc. and for me it became boring. In your case you would also need to swap the MTB tyre to a slick. call that r2000 if you shop nicely. Having said that, if you cant find a good deal on a 2nd hand trainer then this option is not cost effective. no point in buying a dumb trainer for 2-3k and then you must still buy the sensors, that result in an below average experience that will not grant you access to the proper world of zwift training and racing. But if you dont care for racing or erg training that will be your cheapest way to get zwifting. 1 step up would be a wheel on start trainer (wahoo kickr snap or the like, +-r6000). I found myself a 2nd hand snap 2 but I also found the resistance to be "weird" (too clamping). You will be able to get racing (you will need a HRM too) and the experience is far more enjoyable with resistance. From there a direct mount is the best option, and if I had to do it all over again, i would go straight to a direct mount. there are some good deals here and if you patient you can find one for +-r10 000. The resistance and flywheel of direct drives feel more "real" and the sensors became irrelevant in my case as the kickr core transmit power and cadence. also, no tyre wear or black *** all over my floor. ERG training is great too. Summary: if you just want to turn your legs while you see a guy on your screen pedaling, just find a really cheap 2nd hand wheel on trainer, cheap slick and get some sensors. done. If you think you will get bitten by the indoor bug and want to really train and take part in racing and maybe join a team to do WTRL and other series then bite the bullet and go for a direct drive. The experience (to me) from a wheel on to a direct drive is worlds apart and worth the price tag
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