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Everything posted by Cassie

  1. Welcome to Mrs Kazikastan 2009..... Is naaaice!!!
  2. In other words - there might actually be nothing wrong with the brake system??? Interesting.....what is a good contact popint for disc brakes to take affect then? halfway? or sometimes even further? I'm quite new to disc brakes as I had always had white knuckles from the old V-types...
  3. Dig the socks!! Are those church socks???
  4. Hmmm....sounds intriguing!!! IMHO - I also think it might be some sort of hose / cable effect (absorbing the pressure that has been applied through the expansion of the oil). Aftreall, the system is quite old already?? Come on JB! - I'm really waiting for a good explanation on this!! Enough about nipples etc. etc. I'm on a learning curve here...
  5. Bucket of water, clean green spray and brushes. Clean Green & Elbow Grease!! Best stuff ever made....
  6. Somehow we hubber must come up with a plan....we have many eyes & ears to the ground and we just need to be aware of what is selling where.... Brings me back to a old pint of guys advertising and/or boasting of "bargains" that they bought... No one in their right mind will sell a brand new 2009 model bike for say 50% of its RRP....(I'm referring to another post on Hub).
  7. Speed, please send us a pic of your "invention" Hierdie armgat moet maar self sy fietsrak aanmekaar slaan....I'd rather spend the R1000's on my bike itsself!!
  8. You guys should rather be worried about the PRICE of Ster Kinekor popcorn.... Am I the only one that feels ripped off after a purchase?? One bag of kernels ~R5-00 at PnP....Ster Kinekor box ~R15 - R20...it should come standard with a bottle of vaseline!!
  9. XTC1, now your'e talking my language.... I'm also thinking of something like an iron bar or bracket that bolts tot he wall and on which your bike can hang - but is lockable...almost like on a car bike rack, just more solid. Has no-one done this before? i'm designing and patenting this then!!
  10. I'm seriously looking at the latest Merida FTS900. Full XT complement. However, a slight concern for me is the shock that has only 80mm travel.... It's a Manitou super Drake air shock... Is this "old" technology? I thought the standard shock length nowdays is 100mm and up? I also see that the other FTS models also all have 80mm travel shocks...it's only the much lower spec bikes that have 100mm shock again (Suntour, I think) Any ideas on this?Cassie2009-03-11 06:18:14
  11. This might come as a bit of a "duh" question.... but I'd really like to hear some opinions on how to properly secure my bikes. Unfortunately space limitation (4 bikes to secure) does not allow me to use my garage. My idea is to attach some sturdy rawl bolts to a wall and then chain the bikes to this....or is there some other bracket device that is also lockable & that can be fixed to a wall? Any better ideas / suggestions?
  12. Thinking it must be someone in the complex, or our gardener. 5 houses in the complex, electric gate and fence all round (with 8 ft walls) and the gardener has a key for the ped gate. Gonna grill him when he comes back - don't have his number, unfortunately. Similar story to mine....on 26th Dec 2007 my bike got stolen - also from fort knox AND 3 x Large dogs roaming my prperty!! Could only be the gardener that I fires a month back then... Guess what - I've been on the lookout for that bike ever since and lo and behold....what do I spot one Sat afternoon? My ex-gardener happily trapping along on his new (my old) bicycle..... It was the quickest U turn in traffic with my big old oxwagon bakkie, and I just drove him into the pavement!! A rage came over me that actually scared the sh*t outta me afterwards....luckily I do not own a firearm, else I'd be in jail for sure. So, with traffic blocked up & everyone gawking at the scene I kicked the sh*t out of him and promptly loaded the bike into the bakkie....it was totally f$cked!! So much so, i actually just gave it away to someone....it had almost zero value after that stunt. So, keep a lookout, you never know. What amazes me more is the bicycles that I see everyday on the road...stuff that i cannot even afford!
  13. Yeah, bring on the pnP Knysna Rotary MTB race... They had a FULL on breakfast at the start....except for greasy bacon.... all for mahala!! Ate so much breakie...could alsmost not cycle the race... Guess it's a sign of the times...increase in entry fees & decrease in benefits.
  14. I'd rather stick 3 x Red Bulls in my water bottle... Seriously, Caffeine is still a stimulant...would it not be better to go for a more sustained source of energy?
  15. Brussel, That's what i'm trying to get at...it seems that styling is what one pays for... Basically, helmets are good & essential - but a more exopensive one isn't really going to do wonders more in protecting the 'ol nut' in a serious situation. Like you rightly said - they can only do so much. Thanks for the post Cassie
  16. In the light of the recent death of a cycler in Cape town, (I gather that he had extensive head injuries), I'm wondering just how good / safe / effcetive a cycling helmet is. Is more expensive really more safe? i.e R400 helmet vs a R1000 one... I've heard strories of MTB riders that have crashed a couple of times and knocking their heads against trees, for example. In those instances (let's call it lowish speed impacts) the helmets they wore protected them from serious injury. However, any higher impact head crash - it seems to me that you do not stand much chance that your helmet is going to give you any extra protection (over and above what a basic helmet will provide?) Any comments welcome.
  17. Hi all The cyclist was a friend of mine. It is with absolute schock that I had to hear of his untimely death. I have very litte details of what actually happened.... Please spare a thought for his wife and two young boys (one named Jason) who are left behind, trying to sense of this tragic event. Take care out there - Cassie
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