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Everything posted by Cassie

  1. Thanks Guys!!! It was great meeting you all in person FanieFiets, how's the elbow? Any stiches? Slowbee, please post a picture or two!! (may the one of Fanie getting airborne - on your bicycle) Guys, we must make this a regular ride..especially the "secret" single track stuff......who could have guessed? right on our doorstep!!
  2. Yip, Monday is MTB ride.. we can organise a road trip sometime, althought I'm super allergic to cars; taxi's; trucks anything with 4 wheels actually...
  3. BUMP....bleddie double kliek post!! Cassie2009-04-08 03:22:00
  4. Guys, no one will be left behind!! This is a social ride and not Epic racing....??? I hope? Normally in grouprides like this....you cater for the slowest rider as well...there is nothing to worry about. I'll make sure there is enough rest stops...just be there!
  5. OK, I'm in too.. Monday 7AM...after a quick KFC Burger & Avalanche?
  6. this coming monday? Yip, sounds good - PM me your cell details and we can get together
  7. fand is the route suited to slow skill challenged people ? Slowbee, we'll wait for you!! i'll need the rest in any case... bloody steep climbs in some places but not technical....
  8. Great! I'm game...would be nice to meet some of you face to face.... Let's bounce some dates & times around....
  9. If you want a light bike....CHOOSE a HARDTAIL!!!
  10. Then there is also some dirt track next to the railway line, past Sir Lowry's Village...go to the end of the tar road and hook a left (next to the rail line) by the entreance to High riding estate..... Bit shortish, but great for a quickie if you do not have much time on hands!! Fairly safe as well i'd say...
  11. Quote....@Cassie: Is that the driveway next to Spanish Farm Guest Lodge at the bend? Or is it lower down. Was there Sunday morning. But anyway, is do those trails not lead down to Helderberg Farm's MTB trails..... Yup, that's it...I haven't found the connection to Herderberg farm yet, But i'm sure there is one. I will keep on trying..... Isn't it a shame that all the best riding spots are ALWAYS on private land??? That path through the forest makes me feel like i'm in Sabie somewhere... And some serious climbing as well!!! Great excersize...
  12. I've found an awsome piece of track - up Spook Hill and onto spanish farm them turn off into that forrest area - you can cycle fire & jeep tracks for many km's and end up below the Helderberg.. Stunning views of the entire False bay.... All this within afew km's from home...Viva Somerset West!!! PS: Cycled with Mavericks in Lourensford a couple of times...excellent, good bunch of peeps...and they devide the group into smaller groups (1) epic (2) intermediate (3) social etc. and then set off. I'll recommend it anytime...contact Mavericks for details.
  13. Any takers??? We need to make an effort here! What about an official The Hub concerted effort??
  14. This is the time where cycling clubs should take a stand and voice the concerns of their members!! Once again - use the cycling magazines and engage CSA in a open letter... I still say - Stuff the cycling licence....no need whatsoever.... I vote for a total boycot on cycle licences!! VIVA...
  15. Can I order two pleezzze??? You can sommer post them to me.....
  16. I seriously think this matter (in principle) should be taken to all the race organisers and get a CLEAR answer from them as to where exactly they & we stand.... Maybe an open letter to all 94.7 & Argus organisers in all of the bike mags? We (as paying participants) need to know exactly (1) Is our bike being taken care of in case of us being injured and removed to hospital etc.? (2) OR is it OUR responsibility from the onset to look after our bikes in a race...come hell or highwater? If these issues are clear from the start then we cannot complain afterwards. BUT, i'm under the impression that my bike will be delivered to me via the sweeping vehicle...why have one of those then if it is only to aid in a quick theft operation? What do you say - let's draft a letter (as Hubbers) and demand an answer & explanation from all the big race organisers...
  17. Truely mind boggling!! Jeep track all the way to Cape town....no suspension (not even in the tyres). We should re-create this Epic ride from PE to Cape town.... I think the couple of uni cycles that I'm seeing at local MTB races almost fall into this category....men of steel - REAL men!! Wonder what they smoked in tose days?
  18. Details please!!! I want.... I want....
  19. Johan Fri would also work for me (rather than Monday). I'd also like to take a stab at the maintenance course... So, I'll keep the 15 -17 May open... Hope the Cullinan works out as well!! Cassie
  20. I'm fairly flexible...i.e I will take a day's leave if need be... Let opt for something that can keep the costs down, guys...I'd like to do the general bike repair course as well...
  21. Nope, I send Johan a mail and asked him to keep me up to date with what is happening....
  22. Quote from POENA is KONING DVD... F*kkit, 'n mens kan mos nie fietsry met 'n horing nie!!
  23. If they are still there and they are still round...then they are OK!!
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