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  1. Hi guys, long time no *** praat. I need some help with our useless postal service. Ordered some parts from UK and was sent via Parcelforce with priority, 7 days, but what they neglected to tell me was that once the package reaches SA, it goes over into EMS hands. Now my parcel has been stuck on "Delivery Agent - Johannesburg - PTT" for 2 weeks. I've tried sending multiple mails to their customer service address(es) and the invoice request address. The customer contact number on their website says it's not available and the SAPO number puts you on hold for hours. I have no idea where to go from here, any advice? As an aside, the package still needs to be routed to Namibia, so it can't be out for delivery yet. URGH!
  2. Cheap bits from China. Unfortunately the sensor seems to be broken (or a flat battery) Not surprised for 80 bucks
  3. Was down 2.3kg on Firday, then a wedding happened. I think I may have eaten around 15kg on Saturday and 2kg worth of cake yesterday
  4. Get Actiface. Everything you need on 1 screen https://apps.garmin.com/en-RO/apps/7ef071c3-4a14-4eb3-aca9-e3a531262711
  5. Joined F45 (functional training gym type of deal) late January. I dropped 2ish kg in the first week, but we're not allowed to weigh ourselves outside of schedule checkups. I have a feeling I've dropped around another 1-2kg as my pants are falling down. Hope it goes well at the next check in!
  6. Hi guys. Looking for a 27.2 seatpost for a project roadbike. Please let me know if you have any lying around
  7. When you lose weight, your body cannibalizes some muscle along with fat, especially when you get around 15% BF. Less muscle, less power output. It's well known that lightweight climbers are outperformed by bulky sprinters
  8. Coming from triple digits to sub 70 (I seem to hover at 68-69 no matter what I do) I went from back of the pack to smashing heavier riders on climbs so badly that I have enough time to recover while waiting for them to catch up. unfortunately they return the favour downhill. Being lighter on the bike is a massive advantage, but realize you are going to lose power output and you can tell
  9. Went for a 60km ride and ended up accidentally taking part in a 22km road race and coming third. I just can't get over how great this bike is at everything
  10. Spent some time with the flamingos at a salt mine
  11. I'm in. I just need to drop4kg, but f@#! me I've been trying to drop it for more than a year!
  12. No, but thanks Nick. UK-Saffa, back to your thread!
  13. This is going to haunt me till I get it and then it may not even be the same bike
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