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Posts posted by evolve

  1. For the last 12 years I have carried a gun....North American Arms .22. Got me out of three sticky situations thus far......not fun at all.

    I used to ride with it until I doscovered The Hub....read we're the *** is and stay away......don't ride with it anymore.

    When we ride were it might be ended I take it, no hassle clips onto your bib and stays there. No hassle.

    Six of one half dozen of the other thread this......give the chop your bike lie down and let it be.....go buy another bike.

  2. I have a new set of Magura Brakes and SRAM XO form a Spezilaized Marathon.....never been used. Changed to Shimano group set complete. The question is what can expect to sell the stuff for......need to pay for the Shimano stuff.




    Less gumpf on the bars, less complexity, better chainring clearance in tech situations. Easier to find a gear that works. Less cabling, and you're pretty much guaranteed to retain the majority of your ACTUAL utilized gear ratios if you're clever about your chainring choice.


    Both 2x10 and 3x10 offer an amazing amount of crossover. 1x10 is less suited to those who use their granny all the time, but 1x11 is the way forward.


    Sjoe.......only my opinion, geuss I should keep it to myself then,for future posts. :(

  4. Can someone please tell me what the advantages are of running 1x10, other than the cool factor. (Please don't mention the 397g saving)


    That's the only benefit....... Mates of mine on 1x10/11 all moan a lot when they get the front blade ratio wrong, they suffer. Where 2x10/11 you have a bail out gear.

    The overlap on a 2x10/11 is smaller than 3x10/11 thus the gears you have you use correctly.........that's my view

  5. I run a 2x10 with 25/38 up front and a 40/11 on rear, OneUp conversion on rear and I spend 95% do the time in 38 up front and use the 25 as a bail out when I'm spent or the climb has beaten me, it's like a 1x11 with a bailout option.......love this.

  6. I love Oakley products until something goes wrong.......the SA crowd simply tell you to get lost they are not interested in repairs or warrantee issues, now out of principal I don't wear em and tell all that I know that they are @&$)(;;.

    It's sad but it's the way it is.

  7. Not want to hijack the thread and steer away, but I agree the litter on the route was really bad, we rode B batch and I got annoyed at the amount of new fresh gel and general rider litter......how difficult is it to decant gel into a small runner flask or choose to have at water tables.....it's not that much to ask is it.

  8. It is with a heavy heart and sad mind that Steve Wicks a Legendary Motorsport photographer, journalist, and all out personality was taken from us yesterday whilst cycling by a vehicle........exact details are not known.

    It's a true loss to the community..

    RIP Stevie.......

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