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Bad weather on weekends in the Cape.


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Please can someone do something about the weather in the Cape. Since the start of May there has been 6 or 7 days of good weather on the weekend. It just does not stop, I am seriously gatvol of spinning in the gym. It was not like this last year! I HATE YOU WEATHER!

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Please can someone do something about the weather in the Cape. Since the start of May there has been 6 or 7 days of good weather on the weekend. It just does not stop, I am seriously gatvol of spinning in the gym. It was not like this last year! I HATE YOU WEATHER!


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I hear what you are saying bout the weather but it looks like things are going to stay cold or get slightly warmer that what they are at the moment. Attached are two satellite images from the SA Weather service.





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Yip I agree. Really tired of the cold and the rain. Cant wait for warmer weather.

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Looking like another cold and wet one. :(

At least there's the Olympic X-country (and other sport) to keep one entertained.

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Yeah, but last year we had it just the other way around! Some rain in the week, then awesome weekends! We could really rack up the miles then.


Hey, it beats water restrictions! And we keep the economy going consuming some red wine! Ja, we also keep the bike shops going riding in mud, but heck, boys will be boys...


Seems I'm a regular ray of freakin sunshine this morning. Must be because it's Friday on a Wednesday!

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Brace yourselves!!! Another front comming on the weekend!!


My riding this season has gone down the tube...cannot even be bothered to get up and venture outside...must be the old age as well!!

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hate it!!!!!


Got new wheels on me fiets and it's gonna howl here innie Boeland this Saturday :cursing: :cursing:

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Up in jhb i have been able to train right through winter ( except about 7 - 8 days in total ) last weekend i was in shorts.


I dont know how you CA guys/galls live down there and keep going through winter .

Edited by Iron
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whatcha bitching about tomorrow's weather is bootiful can get a lekka pre weekend ride in, spend saturday huddling indoors, and then sunday a bit of strength training in the wind.


Rule 7 peeps

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