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Bicycling Sa Argus training program help


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To my knowledge, Jeroen developed these plans. In all my past interactions with him, Karvonen is what he used for HR zones. Hence my previous comments.


My zones are set up that way in all my software and on my Garmin. So that's what I work on - and if it's not right, it's not right.


All of this reminds me - I think it's about time I do a resting HR test again and adjust accordingly.


As long as we all know what we're talking about, because there is quite a big difference between different zone methods. Thanks for picking up that Bicycling uses the Karvonen method thumbup1.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone. In response to HR zone, I have the following question:


Per the program: (sub 4 hour, week 3, sunday)

Warm up 45 min zone 2 and 3: Follow with 3 x 10 minutes of seated climbing

on moderate gradient. Keep cadence low (50-60) and keep HR below zone 4 throughout.


When I cycle up a hill, there is no way for me to keep my hear rate below 80%. Even when I was very fit last year, being able to do the argus in 3:40, my hear rate remains very variable, which seems to be different to the average athlete (ie HR becomes more stable when being fit)


Where do i go from here?

When doing the training program, what is more important, the time, or the HR? I feel that training to hard, ie too much in the 80% plus range, leaves me too sore for too long. I have had at least 8weeks of training since November, so I should be reasonably fit enough to do this program?

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Go slower... I used to struggle with this as well, just get your head around the idea not to chase times, you don't chase Strave segments, you train in a HR zone, so just go slower. I managed to ride in 1:30 zone 2 and just over 30min in zone 3 into a block headwind on Sunday with plenty of hills. It was horribly slow, but it's doable.


And don't give a hoot about people passing you, you're there to train. Pride is not part of the game. Just smile and wave and and keep on ticking over.

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like SeaBee said , go slower. find a gear (15/17 on a 4 to 5% gradient) where your cadence is 50 to 60 and your HR is in the correct zone. if your HR is too high pick an easier gear but keep cadence in 50-60 and yr HR will come down. if u haven't a cadence measurer then count yr number pedal strokes for 15 seconds x 4 (12 - 15 per 15 secs give you the 50-60 per minute)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have an overview of this program? Ie when is rest weeks and what is weekly total? Its a bit diff to plan ahead. Someone doesnt have a propper sub 4 program that runs till the argus? Thanks

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AFAIK the whole program is available on the Bicycling website as a pdf - no need to d/l week by week. It's not called "Argus program" - just a generic 100k race training program.

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I down loaded a programme from Andrew Maclean some years ago which is a generic general programme

Pretty good.In excel with macros etc

It is on my old laptop which I can bring in 2morrow if you want it

Edited by Kranswurm
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AFAIK the whole program is available on the Bicycling website as a pdf - no need to d/l week by week. It's not called "Argus program" - just a generic 100k race training program.

Ok thanks, any links, cant seem to find it whatever its called!

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